
Institute of Archaeology


Gaetano Palumbo - Honorary Associate Professor

Dr Gaetano Palumbo, Honorary Associate Professor, UCL Institute of Archaeology



Name: Dr Gaetano Palumbo

Honorary Title: Honorary Associate Professor

Email: g.palumbo@ucl.ac.uk

IoA staff nominator’s name and email address:

Tim Williams tim.d.williams@ucl.ac.uk


IoA involvement:

Gaetano has provided lectures at the Institute of Archaeology as part of Prof. Tim Williams’ course on the Management of Archaeological Sites and has served as external examiner for a number of PhD vivas. Gaetano serves as Principal Consultant at the Center for Applied Archaeology.



Research Publications


2020   Akerraz, A. and Palumbo, G. (eds.) Archéologie de la péninsule Tingitane. Contribution à la Carte Archéologique du Maroc. VESAM VIII. Rabat: INSAP

2017   Palumbo, G., Images of Piety or Power? Conserving the Umayyad Royal Narrative in Qusayr ʿAmra. Pp. 91-108 in T. Rico (ed.) The Making of Islamic Heritage. Muslim Pasts and Heritage Presents. Singapore: Palgrave MacMillan. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-10-4071-9

2008   Palumbo, G., The Early Bronze Age IV. Chapter 7, Pp. 227 - 262 in Adams, R. A. Jordan - An Archaeological Reader. Sheffield: Equinox Publishing. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=19368

2002   Teutonico, J. M. and Palumbo, G. (eds.), Management Planning for Archaeological Sites. An International Workshop Organized by the Getty Conservation Institute and Loyola Marymount University, May 2000, Corinth, Greece. Los Angeles: Getty.http://www.getty.edu/conservation/publications_resources/books/mgmnt_planning_arch_sites.html

1991   Palumbo, G., The Early Bronze Age IV in the Southern Levant. Settlement patterns, Economy, and Material Culture of a 'Dark Age'. CMAO III. Roma: Università di Roma La Sapienza.