Insights from UCL research address the great challenges facing the world – bringing benefits in health, culture, policy, business and beyond.
Individually and in collaboration, UCL experts develop insights relevant to humanity’s major problems. Society reaps many benefits from their excellent research, some of which occur immediately, while others develop over years or generations.
In the latest Research Excellence Framework assessment, REF 2021, UCL came second in research power only to Oxford (1st) and we maintained our position as top in the UK for research power in medicine, health and life sciences as well as social sciences. Other UK leaders in research power include Cambridge (3rd), Edinburgh (4th), and Manchester (5th).
The REF is carried out approximately every six to seven years to assess the quality of research across 157 UK universities and to share how this research benefits society both in the UK and globally.
Through our interdisciplinary work, UCL researchers have been collaborating with local and international partners on a range of issues – from tackling inequalities and climate change and addressing health challenges including COVID-19, HIV and cancer. They have helped preserve ancient heritage for future generations, transformed social care policy and practice, and worked with industry to supply cutting-edge technology for international space missions.
Read over 170 research impact case studies about how UCL is transforming lives.
For more on UCL research impact, visit Made at UCL, a collection of the top 100 stories of disruptive discoveries from UCL.