UCL is taking on some of the biggest challenges of our time, and making vital contributions to the public good. Discover more about our strategic goals, key statistics and history.
As set out in UCL 2034, UCL's strategy is based on the following principal themes:
- Academic leadership grounded in intellectual excellence
- A global leader in the integration of research and education, underpinning an inspirational student experience
- Addressing global challenges through our disciplinary excellence and distinctive cross-disciplinary approach
- An accessible, publicly engaged organisation that fosters a lifelong community
- London’s Global University: in London, of London and for London
- Delivering global impact through a network of innovative international activities, collaborations and partnerships.
In addition to UCL 2034, UCL Strategic Plan 2022-27 sets out our whole-university priorities for the next 5 years, focusing effort and investment on a small number of shared priorities. The plan aims to build on the trajectory established by UCL 2034 and our ambition to be London’s global university.
We are continually making an impact on the world we live in.
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An independent report into the university’s economic and social impact, issued in June 2022, found that UCL’s annual impact of £9.9bn across the UK economy is comparable to the trade boost delivered by the London 2012 Olympics.
In the latest Research Excellence Framework assessment, REF 2021, UCL came second in research power only to Oxford (1st) and we maintained our position as top in the UK for research power in medicine, health and life sciences as well as social sciences. Read over 170 research impact case studies about how UCL is transforming lives.
For more on our achievements, check UCL 2023 annual review.