From forging partnerships to build global prosperity to engaging families in London with our research, the UCL community has carried out wide-ranging activity over the past year in support of UCL 2034, our 20-year strategy.
Explore the tabs below for a selection of activity relating to our principal themes and to our supporting key enablers.
UCL 2034 Progress Review
Highlights of the work UCL has done in the past year towards achieving the goals of our 20-year strategy: UCL 2034.
Video narration: Abdul Elmi, fourth-year UCL medical student and President of the UCL Somali Society.
Follow the links below to watch case studies for each strategy principal theme.
Find out how we’re working to support progress towards our principal themes through our key enablers (see tab).
Academic leadership
Integration of research and education
Addressing global challenges
Accessible and publicly engaged
London’s Global University
Delivering global impact
Follow the links below to read case studies for each strategy key enabler.
Find out how these key enablers support progress towards our principal themes (see tab).