Please remember that applying for ethical approval is not just a tick box exercise.
You need to carefully consider the ethical implications of your research, and if you are a student have detailed discussion with your supervisor about the ethics and appropriate safeguards, data storage and safety issues involved.
Step one
Complete the online GDPR data protection training
UCL students must undertake online data protection training. This is an essential part of your degree whether you intend to undertake an online study, undertake secondary analysis, or write a library-based thesis.
Step two
Determine if you need ethical approval.
Access the information on UCL main REC site
Step three
Determine the level of ethical risk in your research.
Low risk as defined by UCL REC is research which:
- is legal and does not interface with any criminal or illegal practice
- is with 'non-vulnerable' participants who are themselves capable of judging whether the research could be damaging to their person or best interest
- is NOT with human remains, animal experiments, or culturally sensitive items of material culture
- is NOT environmentally damaging or humanly intrusive
- does NOT involve observational methods when it is clear that the researcher is present but the researcher is observing specific individuals/ individual behaviours and is recording (photographing, videoing, saving online conversations etc.) people in a manner that could make them identifiable without their active consent.
- is NOT with precariously positioned participants who are likely to be damaged by the research (e.g., asylum seekers)
- is NOT security sensitive
- does NOT involve potentially intrusive interventions or covert methods; actively hiding the observation of, or other data collection from participant(s), where the participant(s) would otherwise have a reasonable expectation of privacy (applies both in person and online)
- does NOT involve scraping data
- does NOT involve deception
- does NOT involve perceived pressure to participate
- does NOT involve undue inducement to participate
- does NOT require password for entry or proper certification (to regulated web-sites, for example)
If you are unsure of the level of risk of your research discuss with your Head of Research Department or supervisor.
Step Four
Consider whether your project falls within a UCL exemptions category:
If you are unsure whether your project falls into an exemption category, please talk to your Head of Research Department or supervisor before beginning your application.
Step Five
Apply for risk approvals and where relevant ensure you have obtained necessary DBS checks
Access the risk assessment information and you will be directed to the mandatory riskNET online assessment form.
Check whether you need additional ethical permission for research outside the UK.
Step Six
Download your ethics approval form from the main UCL ethics site.
*Please DO NOT register your low risk project with the main UCL Ethics*.
When you submit your application to the IfWH LREC you will obtain your REC registration number.
The UCL REC website has important guidance on completing all sections of your application: see their Checklist for Applicants for more information.
It is important you use the UCL recommended templates for participant information leaflets, consent forms and adverts. These must be discussed with your PI or supervisor and submitted to them for review so that they can sign them off before forwarding the application to the relevant Head of Research Department for their signature.
Once you have obtained these signatures on your ethics application form, prepare your application as a single PDF document including all relevant participant facing materials and other permissions and collaborative agreements if required.
To avoid your application being subject to delays please ensure you avoid these common errors:
- The application has not been submitted as single pdf file (including all relevant recruitment material)
- The application form has not been signed by the Head of Department and Principal Researcher (Supervisor for student applications)
- The information sheet/recruitment documents are not complete
- Sections of the form have been left blank - in particular: Ethical Issues (pt 37)
- The application has been registered with the main UCL REC (it will need to be deregistered)
To submit please email the completed application to the IfWH Low Risk REC Panel: and Panel administrator:
Please note that you cannot begin data collection until your ethics and relevant risk approvals are in place.
What happens next
After an initial screening check, you will receive an acknowledgement of your application and your LREC ID number.
Your application will be reviewed by the LREC panel members at its next meeting (please check the deadlines for submission). It is important to allow adequate time for any revisions required by the Committee as requests for revisions are common. Once the revisions have been approved you will receive notification of formal approval from the IfWH LREC. You are then ready to begin your study!
Please do not hesitate to contact the team at with any queries.