Project title
Investigation of cardiovascular and respiratory outcomes in young adults born extremely premature.
Project description
Babies born extremely premature, particularly those who develop bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), will have increased risk of cardiovascular disease in adulthood as a result of or in association with persistent abnormalities of lung function secondary to systemic or lung inflammation in early life.
Research objectives
• To evaluate the cardiovascular and respiratory function in young adults who were born extremely premature
• To analyse the relationship between lung function and haemodynamics in young adulthood in association with being born at extreme prematurity
• To examine for the effect of growth and development on cardiorespiratory function and relationship between lung function and haemodynamics over the course of childhood to adolescence in relation to birth at extreme prematurity
• To investigate for biological markers specifically related to cardiovascular risk and other factors associated with persistent systemic and lung inflammation in young adults born extremely premature
• To measure and describe the clinical correlations of increased cardiovascular risk in young adults born extremely premature
Start date
Primary supervisor
Prof Neil Marlow
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