Once again, the EGA Institute for Women's Health is marking International Women's Day with a series of special events
The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day is #BreakTheBias #iwd2022
Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can #BreakTheBias.
The Institute for Women’s Health will be hosting free events to celebrate #iwd2022. Please book via the Eventbrite links.
Monday 7th March, 12 – 1:30pm: Interactive workshop: Sexual and reproductive healthcare for trans and non-binary people

Trans and non-binary 101 - Clarification of concepts and terms
How can we make health services welcoming and safe for trans and non-binary people?
Facilitators: Suzanna Hopwood – Wandsworth LGBTQ+ Forum and Julia Bailey - Sexual health doctor and senior researcher at UCL
This session is for those who work in healthcare (receptionists, nurses, doctors, service managers). Others are welcome as well (e.g. students, researchers).
Book your place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/sexual-and-reproductive-healthcare-for-trans-and-non-binary-people-tickets-244719621977
Tuesday 8th March, 1 -2 pm: Wellbeing: Wellbeing and creativity during lockdown

The lockdown has been immensely challenging for all of us. The conversation with the teams have unravelled that the staff and students have been incredibly creative during this period - some have taken up painting, photography, making jewellery, gardening, creating culinary delights and some have continued creating in their chosen media. Creativity has for many been a way to support their wellbeing. In this face to face session on Wellbeing and creativity during lockdown, we highlight a different view of the work at the Institute (though an artist’s lens) and provide a chance for you to see these pieces.
Dr Nerina Ramlakhan, Sleep and energy expert and author of four books, will talk about thriving throughout adversity. She will also share insights on how the creative endeavour of writing her 4th book during the pandemic enabled her to heal while going through her own personal challenges.
Book your place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wellbeing-and-creativity-during-lockdown-tickets-244652471127
Tuesday 8th March, 7-9pm: Comedy night: The Menopause Party - Stand-up comedy

Menopause Party is a one woman comedy show spurring conversation around the menopause. Dolly Slatemen, Essex pub landlady, the alter ego of Debbie Baisden (who also happens to be a pub landlady) is kicking taboo into touch and manipulating any angle she can to get people talking about this phenomenon that affects half the planet. Through the characters Doctor Meena Poors, Judge Mental and Andrew O’ Poer, we see the alter egos of the alter ego! Edu-taining their way through a subject that is still considered taboo.
After the menopause party, Professor Joyce Harper will share some of her research on women’s views of the menopause and hopefully the audience will share some of their menopause stories.
Book your place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/comedy-night-the-menopause-party-stand-up-comedy-tickets-139479026523
Wednesday 9th March, 19:30 – 21:00pm - Online tour: Birth Rites Collection

The Birth Rites Collection contributes to debates around conception, pregnancy and pregnancy loss, maternity, birth, postpartum mental health, reproductive technologies, reproductive health inequalities and the future of care, as well as impacting on policy making and the teaching of medicine, midwifery and art.
You can find out more about the Birth Rites Collection here: www.birthritescollection.org.uk
Book your place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/online-tour-birth-rites-collection-tickets-244419554467