
Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research



Purpose and History

In 1999 the Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research moved into the Cruciform Building. At the time all staff used a managed Windows 3.11 desktop provided by UCL

central IS. It was quickly realised that this service was inappropriate for the needs of Biomedical research. For this reason an entirely independent system was created that could cater for these demands. The initial system of 40 client PCs and no servers grew to over 400 client PCs and many servers. Our current data storage and backup capacity is over 30Tb as opposed to the initial 60Gb in our very first server in 1999.

We currently have 4 staff members across POGB and WIBR who's job is to maintain these services and to provide knowledgeable on-site support for all IT systems and software queries. The aim is to provide an environment where scientists can concentrate on research rather than use valuable time "self supporting" individual IT issues.

We are part of IT for SLMS which is part of a larger team responsible for all IT support within the faculty of biomedical sciences.

We currently operate the following IT server services;

  • Centralised file store with daily backup and off-site storage.
  • Internal web applications server.
  • MS-SQL services.
  • Virus protection.
  • Centrally managed desktop security suite.


Our philosophy is "do it now, do it right". We aim to initiate any request for support within 2hrs and to follow all jobs through to satisfactory completion.


Our Information Systems policy is a subset of UCLs main IT policy. You may read or download our full policy by clicking here. The key from the UCL policy are summarised below;

  • "Any network attached equipment must be equipped with software virus checking if it is available. Any installed virus checking software must not be tampered with or disabled."Computer use
  • a. "for students, use properly associated with the UCL programme of study or course for which a student is registered; and reasonable personal use"
  • b. "for employees, use in the course of or properly associated with their employment; and reasonable personal use"