
Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research


WIBR Department Information

Institute Recharges

Summarised below are lists of the services provided by WIBR staff and the items that are charged against grants and those that are provided gratis.

Facilities and Services funded by WIBR

The services below are covered by specific allocations coming from UCL from credits retrieved from industrial and grant overheads and HEFCE funding :

  • WIBR Administrative Services - the cost of core staff salaries for the provision of Purchasing, Finance, Personnel, Safety, Laboratory Operations and internal training courses.
  • Cruciform building central services - includes the provision of wash-up, waste disposal and autoclave services, portering and deliveries, services of building manager and other building related functions
  • 14Forty - Building maintenance, cleaning, security.
  • Cafe subsidy.
  • WIBR stationary costs - The Institute will provide letter-headed stationary and laboratory notebooks.
  • Facility alterations required for changes in the building use approved by the Director will be funded centrally.
  • Seminars and Visitors - Institute programmes.
  • Central PR costs - Brochures and recruitment leaflets (e.g. for graduate students) will be centrally funded.
  • Contribution to communal equipment maintenance.

Costs to Grant Holders

  • Expenditure incurred through the requisitioning system.
  • Grant holders making use of central facilities for DNA sequencing, peptide synthesis, FACS analysis, analytical laboratory or microscopy will be charged for the use they make of these facilities at the Institute's preferential rate.
  • Computers and printers.
  • Stationary.
  • Photocopier costs.
  • Communication costs - telephones and faxes.
  • All photographic/audio-visual costs.
  • Any major alterations for their specific purposes.
  • All courier and freight costs.
  • Books, journals, reprints and page charges, thesis binding.
  • Recruitment (including advertising costs not covered by the University).
  • Maintenance of their individual equipment.
  • Group leaders will pay an I.T. user fee of £200 per person per annum for members of their group as a contribution to the IT network - The WIBR will provide support to ensure a common platform within the Institute including access to the Institute and College networks, use of shared drives and software, desktop support, e-mail and internet access, maintenance and provision of WIBR servers, purchasing and finance systems, mailsweepers, virus protection packages and website.
  • Contribution to Shared Building Support Costs - each laboratory based member of a group will be charged a monthly cost for provision of the following central services (Rate for 2006 is £55.60 / person / month) :

    • Clean and sterile Non- disposable glassware and plasticware, detergents and cleaning items (the central washing facilities ),
    • Waste management costs - refuse and autoclave bags, sharps containers, specific charges for waste removal.
    • Safety items - including lab. coats, safety specs, signs and laundry.
    • Water systems - provision of cartridges, filters and lamps,
    • Repairs & maintenance of communal Institute and wing equipment - centrifuges, incubators, autoclaves, safety cabinets, spectrophotometers, ice machines.
    • Provision of piped gases, liquid nitrogen, dry ice.

Details of the internal charges attributed to each grant can be found on the intranet pages.