Cruciform building and facilities - Security and Access control
Cruciform Security is located at the front entrance and operates 24 / 7.
Contact ext: 46888.
Please be vigilant when leaving the Cruciform, especially at night, and be aware of your personal safety and possessions.
Cardax System & Reporting Faults
You will automatically be provided with access rights into the WIBR (Cruciform Building) on your existing ID / Cardax card.
To report any problems contact:
Card problems / issues - Roberta Perelli ext: 46604 Chris Bradley ext: 46767
Cardax controlled doors - Help Desk ext: 48666
Lost cards - Help Desk ext: 48666
For key requests contact:
Chris Bradley ext: 46767
Staff Security Responsibilities
You must never allow access through a Cardax controlled door to anyone you do not recognise as a WIBR member of staff or student.
This may occur due to 'tail gating' i.e. when you hold open a door for someone following you.
If you do not recognise the person ask them to return to Security/ Reception at the front entrance or escort them to the WIBR person they wish to see having first checked their UCL ID or Visitors Pass.
Suspicious Behaviour
Report any suspicious behaviour immediately to:
Security ext: 46888
UCL's Emergency contact is ext: 222
Never leave any valuables unattended or unsecured even in locked offices e.g. mobile phones, wallets, purses, laptops, etc. Please lock away in desk drawers or lockers. Also, you can contact IT Support for advice on securing computer equipment.