
Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research


WIBR Image Competition 2015

Congratulations to competition winners: Dr Edward Emery & Rán Magnúsdóttir,
Dr. Lorenza Magno and Lloyd Russell.
All three win a £50 Amazon Gift Voucher for their images!
The competition was open to all PhD Students and Postdoctoral Fellows. Images will be added to the WIBR website.


Contributor Title Description Image
Dr. Edward Emery (Research Associate) and Miss Rán Magnúsdóttir (MSc student) Wood Lab
Visualising pain Live confocal image of a dorsal root ganglion showing individual sensory neurons expressing a genetically-encoded calcium indicator. Following activation, individual sensory neurons fluoresce green allowing for the identification of specific neuronal populations responsible for the detection of discrete sensory stimuli.

Dr. Lorenza Magno, Research Associate Kessaris lab
Neuronal heterogeneity in the medial septum Genetic strategies allow the identification and manipulation of different neuronal populations, and are a valuable tool in understanding the organization function and development of brain circuits.

Neuronal heterogeneity in the medial septum

Lloyd Russell, PhD student Häusser lab

Reading and writing neural activity A recently developed method now allows researchers to simultaneously readout and control neuronal activity using only light with single-cell and single-spike resolution in awake, behaving animals. Holographically targeted laser beams optogenetically stimulate selected cells while the ongoing and evoked network activity is readout at the same time through functional calcium imaging. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.3217)