
UCL Urban Laboratory


Clare Melhuish to present Urban Laboratory work at Unifesp in São Paulo

15 October 2019

UCL Urban Laboratory Director has been invited to contribute to discussions in Brazil on community-university relationships.

Observatorios Unifsep poster

Between 17 - 30 October 2019, Dr Clare Melhuish will be a guest of Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp). The university is looking to set up a series of 'city observatory' sites at its campuses in São Paulo, as places where local communities can interact with the university, and where research and engagement to monitor the university's relationship with the local neighbourhood can be assesed.

Our Director has been invited to contribute to two weeks of debate, meetings and site tours to forward the concept. Clare Melhuish will offer a lecture on Friday 18 October (at Anfiteatro da Reitoria - Av. Sena Madureira 1500) to talk about Urban Lab as a model for outward looking, community-engaged urban research, considering our research on university-led urban regeneration, and our current role in the development of the UCL East campus on the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. A further discussion will occur on Thursaday 24 October (at Anfiteatro Lemos Torres - Rua Botucatu 740 térreo) with a panel contributing ideas for Unifsep's plan.