Contribute to the new project 'London is Changing'
21 January 2015

London is Changing is a research project studying the impact of economic and policy changes on the culture and diversity of London.
Designed by Dr. Rebecca Ross (Central Saint Martins and co-series editor, Urban Pamphleteer), the project looks to capture voices from a range of Londoners who are considering moving to/within/away from London, and those who already have.
Using the web form, participants are asked a series of questions intended to capture a variety of personal stories and circumstances. These will enhance understanding of broader demographic trends concerning migration into, out of, and around London.
An edited selection of responses to the web form will be displayed on digital billboards in Central London during February 2015. The billboards present a unique opportunity for individual voices that might normally be left unheard to be featured prominently in two of the busiest areas of Central London, Holborn and Aldgate.
Data will be collected throughout the 2015 calendar year. However, since access to the digital billboards is during February only, engagement during this period is crucial to getting as diverse a range of participants. The success of this project is contingent on the level of participation.
Make sure to share and participate.