Space of Refuge
10 March 2017–15 March 2017, 12:00 am–12:00 am

Event Information
Open to
- All
P21 Gallery, 21 Chalton Street, London NW1 1JD
Space of Refuge is a spatial installation which has emerged out of extensive fieldwork by Samar Maqusi, a PhD student at the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL. The research investigates the spatial production and evolution of Palestinian refugee camps since the 1940s, situating this within a documented history of practices of different host countries and the precarious geo-political situation in the Middle East. Further, the installation examines how different policies in different host countries affect the architecture of the refugee camps, turning them into intensive forms of socio-political co-existence. It also highlights the question of what becomes of these urban spaces when they are left unresolved over a protracted period of time.
conjunction to the installation, a symposium will take place on Wednesday 15
March 2017 (10:00 - 17:00), at P21 Gallery, which will gather scholars
from UCL and beyond working on refugee studies. The symposium will situate the issue of
Palestinian refugees as a precursor of urgent matters of 'refuge' on a
wider scale around the world. The latter will include discussions of
conflict, resolution, protracted refugee status, host country policies,
relationships between refugees and host countries, spatial production
within refugee camps, socio-economic behaviour, cultural practices, and
such like. Speakers include:
- Prof Murray Fraser (Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL)
- Dr Camillo Boano (Bartlett Development Planning Unit and UCL Urban Laboratory)
- Dr Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh (UCL Geography and UCL Migration Research Unit)
Installation opening times
Private View: Friday 10 March 2017, 18:00 - 20:00
Exhibition dates: 10 - 15 March 2017
Opening times: Saturday 12-4pm, Tuesday - Friday 12-6pm, and Wednesday until 8pm
Free Admission
Further information
This event is supported by UCL's Grand Challenges, the Institute of Advanced Studies, and Refuge in a Moving World.