Telescopes The telescopes at UCLO are used primarily for undergraduate training and for research projects with student participation. The Fry Telescope The Fry is used extensively for student instruction, for solar and planetary observations, and by members of the public on open evenings. The Radcliffe Telescope The Radcliffe has been used for photometric observations of exoplanetary transits and research in positional astronomy and for teaching. Celestron C14 Telescopes The Observatory has two permanently mounted C14 telescopes and each is an optical tube assembly from the CGE 1400 series. Perren Telescope After 14 years of fund raising and a generous contribution in the previous decade from the Frederick Perren Fund, this year (2019) we are installing a new 80cm telescope in the Wilson building. View the historical telescopes once part of the observatory.Resources:Telescopes:FryRadcliffeCelestronPerrenHistoricalImage Galleries:We have an open creative commons resource of space images.Data Archives:Data obtained with CCD cameras at UCLO are systematically archived.Public Visits:Mrs Kay NakumT: 020 3549 5807E: