Get your office furniture fixed!
26 April 2023, 9:00 am–5:00 pm

Do you have any furniture in your UCL office space that needs maintenance or simply a little bit of TLC?
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff
- Yes
You may find swivel chairs not moving due to loss of gas, wobbly desks, keys not turning in locks, loose fittings, sticky tambour door shutters etc. If so, book a site visit from JPA Workspaces, approved UCL framework furniture suppliers on one of the published repair day dates below.
26th April 9:00-17:00
To book a JPA visit to your department, simply contact Please give as much information and any pictures of the problem so when the JPA team arrives, they have the best possible chance of fixing the item on the day. Should your item require new spare parts JPA will raise a quotation and work with you to establish cost-effectiveness of repair or as a last resort, quote for a replacement item.
Please note, this service is only available on the UCL Bloomsbury Campus.
If you have unwanted office furniture, you can ask the JPA Team to broadcast this to other departments and/or alternatively collect Warpit items from UCL’s reuse platform, although this carries a nominal charge.
Both options are quick and easy, enabling colleagues across UCL to claim furniture and maximise existing campus furniture stock. Re-use prevents additional resources being made and reduces carbon emissions from manufacture of new furniture and also helps UCL towards it's net zero targets!
If you have a lot of unwanted items, simply contact JPA who can arrange to collect at a nominal charge materials recycling (ensuring zero to landfill and associated nasties) or contact UCL's Waste manager Paul Monk.