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Dr Carina Fearnley, Director of the UCL Warning Research Centre gives evidence to the House of Lords

28 April 2021

Director of the UCL Warning Research Centre was invited to give evidence to the House of Lords under the inquiry of Risk Assessment and Risk Planning Committee.


Dr Carina Fearnley, Director of the UCL Warning Research Centre was invited to give evidence to the House of Lords under the inquiry of Risk Assessment and Risk Planning Committee on Wednesday 28 April. The Risk Assessment and Risk Planning Committee is appointed to consider risk assessment and risk planning in the context of disruptive national hazards. 

During the committee session Dr Fearnley raised the importance of using warning systems and alert level systems as tools to better translate risks into actions by helping to communicate and manage the risk in practice, in a format that the public can engage with, proposing the establishment of an expert warning committee to bring together expertise and practice around warnings for the UK. Joined by Prof Brooke Rogers OBE who gave evidence on behavioural aspects of understanding risk, Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter who discussed the communication of risk, and Professor Duncan Shaw who discussed how the UK can operationalise community resilience, it was an infomative and exciting session. We hope the message of the values of warnings was conveyed to help make the UK more resilient and prepared for risks of the future. 

Watch the video here