
Science and Technology Studies


STS offers degrees at each university level: undergraduate, masters, and PhD


Space Science in Context 2020: A virtual conference

14 May 2020, 9:00 am–5:00 pm

This is the Space Science in Context event logo

Space Science in Context is an experimental virtual conference bringing space and science and technology studies scholars together for an interactive event.

Event Information

Open to



Eleanor Armstrong and Divya Persaud - UCL Doctoral Students

Our speakers come from an exciting range of expertise - space scientists, historians, computer scientists, policy consultants, artists - to discuss pressing issues in ethics, space law, engagement, and generally "space and society".
This event is an experiment in virtual conferencing - we proposed the project pre-COVID to be entirely virtual, ground-up, and access-centred. All of the material will be uploaded to our website ahead of time in a "flipped-classroom" model. Because of this we've received a lot of attention across academic fields and in the media in how a conference built virtual ground-up might work.
We'd love for you to join us! Please also feel free to forward to others who may be interested.
You can direct any questions to: Eleanor.armstrong.16@ucl.ac.uk or d.persaud.17@ucl.ac.uk.
Register: https://spacescienceincontext.wordpress.com/register
Speakers: https://spacescienceincontext.wordpress.com/speakers/
Format: https://spacescienceincontext.wordpress.com/format/
Media coverage: https://spacescienceincontext.wordpress.com/in-the-media/