


Use Filestore@UCL

Members of staff get 100GB of personal file storage (on the N: drive) and 200GB of shared storage (on the S: drive). You can access your storage anywhere and it’s automatically available via Desktop@UCL (under FIle Explorer). 

Before you start

You should know that:

  • Storage space is backed up every night.
  • You can buy extra shared storage if you need it. 

You will need:  

  • your UCL user ID and password; and
  • a computer connected to the UCL network (either onsite, or via the UCL VPN remote access service if you’re offsite). 

The N: drive is your personal storage space on the Filestore service. Use the S: drive to save departmental files or work collaboratively with colleagues, other departments and students.

Follow the relevant instructions on the 'File storage and sharing' page to connect to Filestore@UCL or to request a new group folder. 

File storage and sharing.