
Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences


Wolfson Postgraduate Scholarships

The Wolfson Foundation is offering 3 postgraduate research scholarships for Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences students in 2025/26. These will be for areas in history, literature and languages.

For the 2025/26 academic year, there will be three awards offered in the Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences.

The intention is that Wolfson Scholarships will be awarded to outstanding students who demonstrate the potential to make an impact on their chosen field. Wolfson Scholarships will be awarded solely on academic merit. Ideally the scholars will become significant contributors to the culture of society, whether in the academic sphere or in other areas of intellectual and cultural leadership.


Departments in the Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences are able to nominate students for the Wolfson Scholarships.

The Wolfson Scholarships are open to both UK and Overseas applicants. The scheme is eligible to all nationalities. Students should be resident within the UK for the duration of their studies and live within a reasonable distance of their host university (with the exception of periods of fieldwork or when attending conferences).

The awards are available for doctoral research only, and will be paid over three years (or up to six years part time). For full-time students, it is expected that students complete their doctorate in three years.

Students should have an outstanding academic record, usually a first class honours degree at undergraduate level and a Master's degree from a recognised university in a field of study relevant to their proposed doctoral research.

Wolfson Scholarships will be available in three disciplines that align closely with the Foundation's interests: history, literature and languages.

Awards are for students beginning their doctoral study at the start of the academic year 2025/26.

Level of award

For students starting in 2025/26, the Wolfson scholarship consists of full tuition fees (either Home or Overseas) plus a maintenance stipend for 3 years (or up to 6 years part time). For 2025/26, the year 1 stipend rate is £28,840 for full-time study (rates are calculated 'pro rata' for part-time students). For 2026/27 and 2027/28, the stipend rate is to be confirmed.

Definition of subject disciplines

The three disciplines that the programme covers are broadly defined. The Foundation recognises that many research subjects will encompass inter- and multi- disciplinary studies, and that students receiving these scholarships may be based in other departments.

  1. History - As well as broad-based historical and historiographical studies, this may include such areas as classics, history of art, visual culture, or architectural history, provided the research is grounded within historical methodology.
  2. Literature - As well as literary and textual studies, this may include research that involves critical theory, theatre, film and other visual media, provided there is a literary element within the research (e.g. translation of literature to screen). It excludes creative writing.
  3. Languages - Research should be in applied languages other than English. It may involve the study of literary or historical texts, theatre, film or other visual media, translation, or the philosophy of language, provided that the research is focused primarily on a language other than English. It excludes linguistics. While research can be working with any language, it is expected that the student’s final thesis is written in English.

How to apply

Candidates do not apply directly for the Wolfson Scholarships, but must be nominated by their department. Candidates should check their own department's doctoral reserach application procedure (details can be found on the department's website) and inform their Departmental Graduate Tutor that they would like to be considered for the Wolfson Scholarship.

Once departmental selection processes have concluded, the Departmental Graduate Tutors should send nominations to the Faculty Office (shs.education@ucl.ac.uk).

Nominations should include the following:

  • an indication of the subject discipline most relevant
  • the full UCL PhD application form, excluding written samples and including:
    • academic transcripts
    • CV (if available)
    • academic references in support of the application
    • personal statement
  • an outline of the research project of no more than 2 pages, which does not need to contain references or a bibliography
  • a letter from the proposed supervisor confirming that they are willing to supervise the specific project outlined.


The deadline for departmental nominations to be submitted to the Faculty Office (shs.education@ucl.ac.uk) is Friday 31 January 2025. (Please note that departmental deadlines will be earlier than this - it is important to check departmental websites for details of local processes.)