Cost: £910
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This two-day, hands-on CPD course will present a step-by-step approach to the most important considerations, clinical steps and procedures for posterior restorations in aesthetic dentistry patients. Day one 7 January 2025, day two 14 January 2025.
It aims to cover:
- indications for aesthetic inlays and onlays versus direct composite restorations or crowns. When do we chose onlays?
- onlays and endodontically treated teeth
- materials for inlays-onlays: ceramic options versus indirect composites
- step-by-step preparations for inlays and onlays and posterior crowns and the required burs
- predictable impressions: materials and proposed techniques (traditional and digital)
- step-by-step temporaries for inlays and onlays
- step-by-step techniques and materials required for cementation of ceramic and composite inlays and onlays
- a showcase of challenging aesthetic cases
This course is run by the UCL Eastman Dental Institute in London which has a broad range of continuing professional development (CPD) short courses. These provide hands-on training from experienced staff in dedicated facilities.
Course content
Day 1
Morning lecture
Treatment planning for inlays-onlays, covering:
- indications
- materials and their properties (what to use, what not to use)
- step-by-step preparations and required armamentarium
- pulp protection in deep restorations
- Impressions: impression materials and techniques, traditionally and digitally
- Temporisation: materials and temporary fabrication and fit
Afternoon hands-on exercises on phantom heads
- Preparations for inlays-onlays
- Impressions
- Temporaries
Day 2
Morning lecture
- Isolation fit and cementation of inlays-onlays versus posterior crowns.
- Required materials and armamentarium
- Polishing of adjusted ceramics
- CAD/CAM options: intraoral scanners and the possibilities in the dental office
- Troubleshooting
Afternoon hands-on exercises
- Fit and cementation of inlays and onlays (two protocols)
- Polishing ceramic adjustments
- Posterior ceramic crown preparations
Who this course is for
The course is aimed at dentists at any stage of their career.
You may be:
- an established dentist wanting to refresh your knowledge and skills in new techniques
- a young dentist wanting to build your abilities
You must hold an approved dental qualification.
CPD points and certificate
The course will give you 13 hours of verifiable CPD. You'll also get a certificate of attendance.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the course you should have an improved knowledge and ability to deal with posterior aesthetic restorations including preparations, impressions, temporisation and adhesive cementation.
Structure and teaching
You'll learn through a combination of:
- 50% interactive, evidence-based seminars using clinical videos
- 50% hands-on training in the skills-laboratory
There will be a small student-to-instructor ratio to ensure support during hands-on practice.
You'll also be given a compilation of reading materials and lecture handouts.
The fee is £910.
Quality controls
All Eastman teachers are experienced professionals. You'll be asked to submit written feedback via a questionnaire at the end of the course, which is used to monitor the course's quality of teaching and value for money.
Please read the Eastman's refunds policy before booking.
Course team

Dr Konstantina Dina Dedi
Konstantina Dina Dedi is the Director of Aesthetic Dentistry Programmes and a Principal Clinical Teaching Fellow at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute, where she teaches postgraduates in the fields of prosthodontics, aesthetic and implant dentistry. She was awarded a Specialty Degree in Prosthodontics (Fixed, Removable and Implant Prosthodontics) in 1997 from the University of Missouri- Kansas City.
Prior to her current appointment, she taught for nine years at the University of North Carolina USA as a Clinical Assistant Professor in Prosthodontics, Removable Clinics Director and also as director of the ITI Implant Prosthodontic Scholarship Program. She has presented numerous lectures and continuing education courses in U.S.A., Europe and the Middle East on anterior aesthetics and immediate loading of dental implants.
In 2002 she was awarded the prestigious “Diplomate” status from the American Board of Prosthodontics. (Only recipients of this award are eligible to become Programme Directors in Prosthodontic Specialty training Programmes in American Universities). In 2007 she was presented with an Honorary Visiting Professorship from the State Medical and Pharmaceutical University “Nicolae Testemitsanu” of the Republic of Moldova. She has been elected a Fellow of the International Team for Implantology (ITI) and the American College of Prosthodontics (ACP), one of only a few dentists in the UK to have this award.
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Course information last modified: 13 Jun 2024, 16:27