The Gay Clifford Awards for Outstanding Women Students aims to enable female students to pursue full-time Master's degree studies in the departments of Economics or Philosophy.
Candidates can be from any country, but must fulfil the following criteria:
- identify as female; AND
- hold an offer to study a full-time Master's degree at UCL in 2021/22 in the departments of Economics, or Philosophy.
Value, benefits, and duration
- There are 2 (two) awards available in 2021/22; 1 (one) in the Department of Economics and 1 (one) in the Department of Philosophy.
- The value of the scholarship is £10,000.
- The scholarship is tenable for one year only.
- The Gay Clifford Award may be held alongside other scholarships, studentships, awards, or bursaries. The amount of the UCL award may be adjusted depending on the total value of other funds received by the student.
- Scholarship recipients are obliged to inform the UCL Student Funding Office immediately of any other funding they are awarded towards their UCL Master’s degree studies, before or subsequent to the award of the Gay Clifford Award.
- The scholarship will first be applied to the recipient’s tuition fees, with any remainder payable to the recipient in three equal instalments throughout the academic year towards maintenance.
The scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic excellence and will be awarded upon the recommendation of an academic selection process within the relevant departments.
How to apply
Candidates do not submit an application for this scholarship. They will be selected by academic departments on the basis of their admission application form.
If a student would specifically like to be considered for the scheme, they should inform their academic department directly.
Successful candidates will be informed in June/July 2021.