Chapter 3.2 - Management team safety responsibilities
This page forms part of UCL’s Safety Management System. This is Chapter 3.2 - Management team safety responsibilities.
UCL Council
The ultimate responsibility for health and safety rests with UCL Council as the employer.
The Council assures itself through annual reports and ad-hoc interventions that health and safety is being properly managed. It has delegated the duty of the day-to-day running of UCL, which includes the management of health and safety, to the President & Provost.
> Read about the current membership of the Council
University Management Committee (UMC)
The President & Provost and the University Management Committee sets UCL safety policy, objectives and UCL requirements for health and safety and are responsible for the establishment and effective implementation of the organisation and arrangements for health and safety management. They are key in the communication, promotion and leadership of health and safety. The UMC reviews UCL’s safety performance and receives papers of key issues for discussion and approval at their regular meetings where required by HSC or the Vice-Provost (Operations).
Faculty, school and divisional management teams
These teams are responsible for setting business unit objectives aligned to corporate objectives, approving management plans, reviewing progress and monitoring safety performance at least quarterly and more frequently as necessary. Each team should nominate a member to take lead responsibility in the oversight and championing of health and safety for the business unit.
Last updated: Tuesday, September 14, 2021