
Safety Services


Working with X-rays​

To protect people from exposure to ionising radiation, X-ray equipment must be installed in an appropriate area. Approval is required by the Radiation Protection Team prior to ordering X-ray equipment

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Purchasing X-ray equipment

Departments wishing to acquire a new piece of X-ray equipment must seek approval from the Radiation Protection Team prior to placing the order.

This is to ensure that an appropriate space for the equipment (including any shielding requirements), arrangements for the critical examination and in-use testing and maintenance are agreed and put into place prior to delivery. 

To ensure there are no lengthy delays email the Radiation Protection Team with the following information about the proposed equipment. ​

  • Make and model (including whether it is mobile or installed)
  • Maximum operating current (mA) and voltage (kV)
  • Proposed location(s) that the equipment will be used
  • Safety information provided by the supplier/manufacturer
  • A record of the Critical Examination (once completed)

Critical Examination of X-ray equipment

Most X-ray equipment must be subject to a Critical Examination to ensure it is safe to use.

The Critical Examination will confirm that:

  • All safety features and warning devices operate correctly
  • There is sufficient protection (for people) from exposure to ionising radiations
  • Adequate information about the use, testing and maintenance of X-ray equipment is provided to the users of the equipment

When is a Critical Examination is required

  • When new X-ray equipment is installed or erected
  • When existing X-ray equipment is moved or re-installed

Who completes a Critical Examination

It is the duty of the equipment erector/installer to ensure that a Critical Examination is completed and not the end user. It is therefore important to ask the equipment supplier about the arrangements for the Critical Examination prior to placing the order.

If the supplier says that a critical examination is not required or does not agree to provide one as part of the installation, then you must email the Radiation Protection Team before proceeding.

Maintenance, testing and monitoring of X-ray equipment

Arrangements for maintenance and inspection must be agreed by the Radiation Protection Team prior to placing an order for X-ray equipment.

Maintenance schedules should cover the following:

  • Visual checks of shielding and functional checks of warning devices and interlocks 
  • Periodic radiation leakage monitoring 
  • Quality Assurance checks (for equipment used for medical exposures)

The manufacturer's advice on the frequency of inspections and tests should be followed and departments must ensure that X-ray equipment is maintained and all safety features are tested or examined by a competent person at least annually.

Records of maintenance, examination, testing and monitoring must be retained by the department until informed by the Radiation Protection Team that these records are no longer required.

Working with X-ray equipment

Before you can start work with ionising radiations, you must ensure that the Radiation Compliance Documentation set is in place. 

Follow our 4-Step process on how to submit the Radiation Compliance Documentation

Last updated: Tuesday, April 26, 2022