
UCL Department of Risk and Disaster Reduction


Humanitarian resources

Find out more about the key issues, organisations and themes in our list of useful resources. Let us know if you discover any new ones you think we'd like!


Articles and Books

o    Ahmed, B., Rahman, M. S., Sammonds, P., Islam, R., & Uddin, K. (2020). Application of geospatial technologies in developing a dynamic landslide early warning system in a humanitarian context: the Rohingya refugee crisis in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 11(1), 446-468.

o    Alam, A., Sammonds, P., Ahmed, B. (2020). Cyclone risk assessment of the Cox’s Bazar district and Rohingya refugee camps in southeast Bangladesh. Science of The Total Environment, 704, 135360.

o    Alexander, D. (2020) Building emergency planning scenarios for pandemics. London: UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction.

o    Alexander, D. (2019) Disaster and emergency planning for preparedness, response, and recovery, In: Gerber, B., Esnard, A., Glavovic, B., Wamsler, C., Aginam, O., Birkland, T. and Sim, T. (eds.) Oxford Encyclopaedia of Natural Hazards Governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-20.

o    Alexander, D. (2016) How to Write an Emergency Plan. Edinburgh: Dunedin.

o    Cremen, G., Galasso, C. (2020) Earthquake early warning: Recent advances and perspectives.  Earth-Science Reviews, 205 103184.

o    Duda, P., Kelman, I., Glick, N. (2020) Informal disaster governance. Politics and Governance, 8 (4), 375-385. 

o    Field, J., Johar, A. (2020) Perspectives on “Giving Back”: A Conversation Between Researcher and Refugee. In The Companion to Peace and Conflict Fieldwork. Palgrave Macmillan.

o    Field, J., Burra, S. (Eds.), (2020) The Global Compact on Refugees: Indian Perspectives and Experiences. UNHCR India and Academicians Working Group.

o    Gentile, R., Galasso, C. (2020) Simplified seismic loss assessment for optimal structural retrofit of RC buildings. Earthquake Spectra, 875529302095244. 

o    Kelman, I. (2020) Disaster by Choice: How our actions turn natural hazards into catastrophise. Oxford University press, Oxford.

o    Kelman, I. (2020). Disaster vulnerability by demographics? Journal of Population and Sustainability.

o    Kelman, I. (2020). Introduction to "Five Years of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction". International Journal of Disaster Risk Science.

o    Kelman, I., Gaillard, J., Lewis, J. and Mercer, J. (2016) “Learning from the history of disaster vulnerability and resilience research and practice for climate change”. Natural Hazards, 82 (1), pp. 129-143.

o    Mueller, S., Soriano, D., Boscor, A., Saville, N., Arjyal, A., Baral, S., ...Kayastha, R. (2020) MANTRA: development and localization of a mobile educational health game targeting low literacy players in low and middle income countries.  BMC public health, 20 (1), 1171. 

o    Panda, D.K., Ambast, S.K., Shamsudduha, M. (2020) Groundwater depletion in northern India: Impacts of the sub-regional anthropogenic land-use, socio-politics and changing climate.  Hydrological Processes.

o    Rodríguez, H., Donner, W. and Trainer, J. (2018) Handbook of disaster research. 2nd ed. Cham: Springer.

o    Velazquez, O., Pescaroli, G., Cremen, G., Galasso, C. (2020) A Review of the Technical and Socio-Organizational Components of Earthquake Early Warning Systems.  Frontiers in Earth Science, 8.

o    Watts, N., Amann, M., Arnell, N., Ayeb-Karlsson, S., Beagley, J., Belesova, K., ...Campbell-Lendrum, D. (2020) The 2020 report of The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: responding to converging crises. Lancet.

o    Yadav, P. (2020). Can women benefit from war? Women’s agency in conflict and post-conflict contexts. Journal of Peace Research https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0022343320905619 

o    Yadav, P. and Horn, D.M. (2021). “Continuum of violence: feminist peace research and gender-based violence”, in Tarja Väyrynen, Swati Parashar, Élise Féron, and Catia Cecilia Confortini (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Feminist Peace Research. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/continuums-violence-punam-yadav-denise-horn/e/10.4324/9780429024160-12 

o    Yadav, P., Saville, N., Arjyal, A., Baral, S., Kostkova, P. and Fordham, M. (2021). A feminist vision for transformative change to disaster risk reduction policies and practices, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol 54, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.102026

o    Zaman, S., Sammonds, P., Ahmed, B., & Rahman, T. (2020). Disaster risk reduction in conflict contexts: lessons learned from the lived experiences of Rohingya refugees in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 50, 101694.

o    Geographic Information System (GIS) Esri Books (open access): https://learn.arcgis.com/en/arcgis-book-series/

o    Uddin, N. (2020). The Rohingya: An Ethnography of 'Subhuman Life’. Oxford University Press.

UCL Specific

o    UCL Humanitarian Institute 
o    IRDR Centre for Gender and Disaster 
-    The GRRIPP project 
o    UCL Warning Research Centre 
o    UCL Institute for Global Health
o    IRDR Space Health Risks Research Group
o    UCL EPICentre 
o    Refuge in a Moving World 
o    The UCL-Lancet Commission on Migration and Health 

Important Websites

o    The United Nations (UN) About Us | United Nations
o    The New Humanitarian: https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org
o    ReliefWeb: ReliefWeb - Informing humanitarians worldwide
o    Overseas Development Institute (ODI): odi.org 
o    UN News: UN News | Global perspective, human stories 
o    The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR): Home | UNDRR
o    The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) OCHA (unocha.org)
o    PreventionWeb PreventionWeb - Knowledge platform for disaster risk reduction
o    Humanitarian Practice NetworkHPN - Humanitarian Practice Network (odihpn.org)
o    ALNAP ALNAP | Home
o    Devex Devex International Development | Devex
o    Save the Children Disaster Risk Reduction resource centre Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) | Resource Centre (savethechildren.net)
o    Harvard Humanitarian Initiative Harvard Humanitarian Initiative
o    Sphere A global community committed to humanitarian quality and accountability. | Sphere (spherestandards.org)
o    RedR UK Humanitarian training and support for NGOs and aid workers worldwide - RedR
o    The UK Alliance for Disaster Research: UK Alliance for Disaster Research (UKADR) 
o    Understanding Risk: Understanding Risk | Community for disaster risk assessment (understandrisk.org)
o    The International Humanitarian Studies Association: IHSA
o    The Humanitarian Leadership Academy: Humanitarian Leadership Academy | Preparing the next generation of humanitarians
o    The Humanitarian Data Exchange: Welcome - Humanitarian Data Exchange (humdata.org)
o    UN OCHA Humanitarian Response: HumanitarianResponse
o    The Platform on Disaster Displacement: Disaster Displacement – Towards a Protection Agenda for people displaced across borders in the context of disasters and the effects of climate change.
o    The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre: IDMC (internal-displacement.org)
o    The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC): UNFCCC
o    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
o    BRAC NGO: BRAC: BRAC Humanitarian Programme
o    South American Network for Environmental Migrations (RESAMA): South American Network for Environmental Migrations (resama.net)
o    The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR): United Kingdom for UNHCR (unrefugees.org.uk)
o    The International Organization for Migration (IOM): International Organization for Migration (iom.int)
o    The Conversation (Independent News and Views, Sourced from the Academic Community): The Conversation: In-depth analysis, research, news and ideas from leading academics and researchers.
o    Thomson Reuters Foundation News: News Home | Thomson Reuters Foundation News (trust.org)
o    The International Court of Justice (ICJ): Home | International Court of Justice (icj-cij.org)
o    The International Criminal Court (ICC): Homepage - ICC Jurisdiction
o    The Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF): Home - CVF (thecvf.org)
o     Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)/ Doctors Without Borders: MSF UK | Médecins Sans Frontières
o    The World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal: Homepage | World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal
o    IOM Environmental Migration Portal: Environmental Migration Portal | Knowledge Platform on People on the Move in a Changing Climate (iom.int)
o    United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (UNDPPA): Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (un.org)
o    World Meteorological Organization (WMO): Climate | World Meteorological Organization (wmo.int)
o    United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC): OHCHR | HRC Home
o    UN Women: UN Women - United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women | UN Women – Headquarters
o    Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR): GFDRR
o    PreventionWeb - Knowledge platform for disaster risk reduction: PreventionWeb - Knowledge platform for disaster risk reduction
o    International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD): Home - ICIMOD
o    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): NASA
o    National Geographic: National Geographic
o    NASA: Climate Change and Global Warming: NASA: Climate Change and Global Warming

Online courses/training/MOOCs

o    Sphere’s first ever Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) (free online course) “Sphere in Practice” “Sphere in Practice” Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) – English (spherestandards.org)
o    RedR courses Humanitarian training and learning: Browse and book courses - RedR
o    LinkedIn learning (general personal + professional development for wider skills and awareness) LinkedIn Learning: Online Courses for Creative, Technology, Business Skills
o    Geographic Information System (GIS) MOOC (Esri) Esri Training Catalog | Find Courses on GIS and ArcGIS Topics
o    Disaster Displacement (e-learning course) Summary of Disaster Displacement (kayaconnect.org)
o    Kaya – A free humanitarian learning platform Kaya (kayaconnect.org)
o    NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program Applied Remote Sensing Training Program | NASA Applied Science
o    Introduction to Imagery and Remote Sensing (Esri) Introduction to Remote Sensing (arcgis.com)
o    UN CC: Learn (The One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership) Knowledge Sharing Platform (uncclearn.org)


o    Interview with Dr Jessica Field on Global Humanitarian Studies at UCL – The Curious Geographer: Global Humanitarian Studies at UCL - for Geography students ┃Live interview┃#MeetTheUni - YouTube 
o    Digital photo exhibition on the Rohingya crisis: (1) "Three years gone without an identity" – Photo exhibition on the Rohingya Crisis by Mahmud - YouTube
o    A Safer Place (the Rohingya crisis): A Safer Place - Trailer - Edward Lawrenson - Two Films - True Story
o    What makes it tick? Science of Disasters - video series by Professor Ilan Kelman

Podcasts/Audio news

o    The New Humanitarian The New Humanitarian | Podcast
o    The Response The Response podcast and documentary series - Shareable
o    Disasters: Deconstructed Disasters: Deconstructed Podcast (podbean.com)
o    In Their Own Words – Amnesty International In Their Own Words podcast | Amnesty International UK
o    Stories and Humanitarian Action ‎Stories and Humanitarian Action on Apple Podcasts
o    UN News – audio hub Audio Hub | UN News
o    Humanitarianism by the University of Oxford humanitarianism | University of Oxford Podcasts - Audio and Video Lectures
o    Harvard Humanitarian Initiative | Harvard Humanitarian Initiative
o    Everyday Emergency: The MSF podcast Everyday Emergency: The MSF podcast | MSF UK
o    Disaster Area – History Podcast Disaster Area - History Podcast | Podchaser
o    ODI podcast series odi.org:
-    Constructive Deconstruction Podcast series: constructive deconstruction | odi.org
-    When disasters and conflict collide Podcast series: when disasters and conflict collide | odi.org
o    ODI Live Events Podcasts:
-    A feminist approach to international assistance A feminist approach to international assistance | odi.org
-    The Paris Climate Commitments: Future of the Paris climate agreement | odi.org 
-    Merging International NGOs: Live events podcast: merging international NGOs | odi.org


o    Understanding Risk Forum (2020 online for re-watch) Understanding Risk | Community for disaster risk assessment (understandrisk.org)
o    The UK Alliance for Disaster Research (UKADR) Conference UK Alliance for Disaster Research (UKADR)
o    International Humanitarian Studies Conference Home - IHSA Conference
o    Gobeshona Conference Gobeshona Conference
o    American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting AAG Annual Meeting
o    American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting Welcome to AGU | Advancing Earth and space science
o    The Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks (HNPW) | OCHA (unocha.org)


•    United Nations (UN) Jobs UN Careers
•    Human Rights Careers Human Rights Careers | Courses, Masters, Jobs, Internships and more
•    Human Rights Watch My Job Search (ultipro.com) 
•    UN Jobs for Humanitarian Assistance Humanitarian Assistance | UNjobs
•    Peace Direct Jobs - Peace Direct
•    Relief International Work with us - Relief International (ri.org)
•    MSF Jobs Find a job | MSF UK
•    LinkedIn Jobs (search Humanitarian Jobs) LinkedIn Job Search: Find US Jobs, Internships, Jobs Near Me
•    Plan International Children's Charity Jobs & Volunteering | Plan International UK (plan-uk.org)
•    UNICEF UNICEF Careers | UNICEF Careers
•    International Rescue Committee Careers | International Rescue Committee (IRC) (rescue-uk.org) 
•    The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Working with us - IFRC
•    The British Red Cross Apply for a job at the British Red Cross 
•    Islamic Relief Charity Jobs - Third Sector Jobs - NGO Jobs | Islamic Relief UK (islamic-relief.org.uk)
•    Catholic Relief Services Careers and International Development Jobs | CRS 
•    The European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations Jobs and opportunities | European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (europa.eu)
•    Action Against Hunger Careers at our charity - Action Against Hunger 
•    Care International Work For Us | Care International (care-international.org) 
•    World Relief Careers - World Relief
•    World Vision International Charity jobs & opportunities in the UK | World Vision UK 
•    Save the Children Save the Children | Careers
•    UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) Jobs in CERF | CERF (un.org)
•    The World Food Programme (WFP) Careers at the World Food Programme (wfp.org)
•    Human Rights Watch HRW Career Portal
•    Devex International Development Jobs Search | Devex
•    ALNAP Jobs & opportunities | ALNAP
•    USAID Careers | U.S. Agency for International Development (usaid.gov) 
•    The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) Working for FCDO - Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 
•    Christian Aid Christian Aid - Careers 
•    The Aga Khan Foundation Aga Khan Foundation | Aga Khan Development Network (akdn.org)
•    The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Job Search (fao.org)
•    Mercy Corps Careers | Mercy Corps
•    ODI Careers | odi.org
•    Academic Jobs Jobs | Job Search | Job Vacancies on jobs.ac.uk
•    IMC Worldwide JOBS | IMC Worldwide
•    United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Jobs | UNDP
•    International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) IIED jobs | International Institute for Environment and Development