
UCL Department of Risk and Disaster Reduction


People old

Find out more about the people behind UCL IRDR

Core Staff

Managerial and Administrative staff and roles

Academic & Teaching Staff

Staff who teach, lead and supervise research, and shape the direction of the Institute

Research Staff

Our research staff work on specific IRDR research projects

PhD Students

See the projects our research students are undertaking

Honorary Staff & Visitors

Honorary Academics and research staff at UCL IRDR

Core Staff

Managerial and Administrative staff and roles

Professor Peter Sammonds

Role: Institute Director
Email: p.sammonds@ucl.ac.uk
Phone: 0207 6792422 / 07795056201

My research aims are to investigate the mechanics of the Earth's crust and ice sheets by studying the fundamental physics and mechanics of geological materials, through theory, field work and laboratory experiments. The Earth's crust and ice sheets are the parts of the solid Earth with which humankind interact directly, and therefore of the greatest interest to me. I apply my research towards studying the impacts of climate change and natural hazards, particularly in relation to my role as Director, UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction.


Dr Rosanna Smith

Role: Deputy Director and Department Manager
Email: rosanna.smith@ucl.ac.uk
Phone: 02076793157

As Deputy Director, Rosanna plays a key role in developing and implementing the strategy for the UCL Institute for Risk & Disaster Reduction (IRDR) and enabling it to achieve its objectives, operating at a high level to ensure new research, programmatic, and teaching and learning initiatives in the area of Risk and Disaster Reduction (RDR) are integrated across disciplines, faculties and departments at UCL. 

Mrs Mumtaz Abdul Ghafoor


Role: Institute Administrator
Email: irdr-enquiries@ucl.ac.uk
Phone: 02031081108


Mumtaz is responsible for IRDR academic administration, financial contracts, and general administrative queries

Ms Yasmine Boudiaf

Role: Finance, IT and Web Officer
Email: irdr-enquiries@ucl.ac.uk
Phone: 02031081108

Yasmine is responsible for IRDR financial administration, IT arrangements, and is the IRDR webmaster

Dr Shanshan Zhou

Role: Enterprise and Promotions Officer
Email: shanshan.zhou@ucl.ac.uk

Shanshan has a PhD in Change and Complexity Management from Scuola Superiore Sant' Anna di Pisa, Italy, MSc in Innovation Management from Universita di Trento and BA in Advertising from Heilongjiang University, China. Shanshan adopts a holistic approach to resilience for organisations and communities. She is fluent in Chinese, Italian and English.

Management Posts

Management Posts

PG Programme directors:

Additional Roles:

  • Events Programme Convener: Rosanna Smith
  • Seminar organizer: Peter Sammonds
  • Discussion forum organizer: Mohammed Shamsudduha
  • IRDR membership secretary: Justine Uyimleshi
  • Website Producers: Rosanna Smith and Yasmine Boudiaf
  • Website Editor: Tasnuva Tabassum
  • Website Commissioning Editor: Rebekah Yore
  • Social Media Editor: Patrizia Duda
  • Postgraduate Promotion Assistant: Patrizia Duda
  • Annual Report Editors: Rebekah Yore, Rosanna Smith and Peter Sammonds
  • Research Ethics: David Alexander
  • Equal Opportunities: Robert Wicks
  • Safety Officer: Rosanna Smith
  • Data Protection Officer: Yasmine Boudiaf
  • Computer Rep: Yasmine Boudiaf