
UCL Department of Risk and Disaster Reduction


David Alexander's Article has been reported as Most Popular by Development Editor for Oxford University Press New York

15 October 2017

Lee Oglesby, Development Editor for Oxford University Press New York, reports that Professor David Alexander's article on "Disaster and Emergency Planning for Preparedness, Response and Recovery" in the Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Natural Hazard Science has been downloaded almost 12,500 times over the last year.

Natural Hazard Science It is thus one of the most popular entries in this widely-read, on-line resource. Professor Alexander has another entry that is about to appear in the same volume, this time on "Corruption and the Governance of Natural Disaster Risk." The disaster planning article is freely available in html and pdf formats at:http://naturalhazardscience.oxfordre.com/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780199389407.001.0001/acrefore-9780199389407-e-12?rskey=gyStoh&result=2