IRDR members visit the Fukushima Prefecture
3 May 2016

Six IRDR members recently visited the areas affected by the tsunami and the Fukushima-Daichi nuclear power plant accident in March 2011. The group consisted of four PhD students - Omar Velazquez, Nurmala Nurdin, Serena Tagliacozzo and Zoe Mildon, one Master's student - Sandra Camacho Otero - and David Alexander, Professor of Disaster Risk Reduction at UCL IRDR. Their experience has been covered in a recent blog post and in international newspapers (see here and here). Zoe Mildon, third year PhD student at UCL IRDR, is currently spending 4 months at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan - which is in the region affected by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster - after winning the prestigious JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) grant (read more).
The visit was undertaken as part of a bilateral agreement between UCL and the Prefecture of Fukushima. The agreement was signed to promote mutually beneficial knowledge exchange and to strengthen the long-lasting relationship between UCL and Japan. During their stay, IRDR members, along with other researchers and students from UCL and UCL Academy, had the chance to meet with the Governor of the Fukushima Prefecture and learn more about the recovery activities underway.