Surveys of wild rice and its associated wild (weedy) flora were carried out in in Guangxi Province of Southern China under the leadership of our Project Partner Professor Tang Linaghua, from Nanjing Agricultural University. He was assisted by Gao Yu, a post-graduate archaeology student at Peking University School of Archaeology, working on archaeobotany. They collaborated with Guangxi Province Institute of Agricultural Science. Samples collected went to Peking University in Beijing, but for our project it is the data on the co-occurrence of species which is crucial, and the study of phytolith assemblages extracted from soils on these sites.
Below are pictures of our hardworking collaborators and some of their photos from fieldwork.

Perennial wild rice, Oryza rufipogon, conservation site at Nasuo, Guangxi, China.

Oryza officinalis, growing in the forest area of Fumian (Guangxi)

Below is a map of the wild rice stands surveyed as part of this project.