The Sociology Network's Coordinating Group advises and contributes to the Network’s wide-ranging activities

Name | Position/Dept. | Faculty |
Lecturer in Sociology, Department of Education, Practice and Society | IOE | |
Professor Paul Higgs | Professor of Sociology of Ageing, Division of Psychiatry | Brain Sciences |
Dr. Emily Nicholls | Senior Research Fellow, INTUIT, Institute for Global Health | Population Health Sciences |
Dr. Caroline Oliver | Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Education, Practice & Society | IOE |
Michael Reade | Strategic Coordinator, Collaborative Social Science Domain, Research Facilitation, Reseach & Innovation, RIGE | - |
Dr. Victoria Redclift | Associate Professor of Political Sociology, Thomas Coram Research Unit, Social Research Institute | IOE |
Dr. Stefano Rossoni | Lecturer in Gender and Sexuality Studies, School of European Languages and Cultures /Centre for Multidisciplinary Intercultural Inquiry | Arts & Humanities |
Chair, UCL Sociology Network, Collaborative Social Science Domain / Associate Professor of Sociology, Thomas Coram Research Unit, Social Research Institute | IOE | |
Dr. Dingeman Wiertz | Associate Professor in Quantitative Social Science, Social Research Institute. | IOE |