
UCL Research Domains


Coordinating Group

The Sociology Network's Coordinating Group advises and contributes to the Network’s wide-ranging activities

UCL Sociology Network Coordinating Group

Dr. Benjamin Abrams 

Lecturer in Sociology, Department of Education, Practice and SocietyIOE
Professor Paul HiggsProfessor of Sociology of Ageing, Division of PsychiatryBrain Sciences

Dr. Emily Nicholls

Senior Research Fellow, INTUIT, Institute for Global HealthPopulation Health Sciences
Dr. Caroline OliverAssociate Professor of Sociology, Department of Education, Practice & SocietyIOE
Michael ReadeStrategic Coordinator, Collaborative Social Science Domain, Research Facilitation, Reseach & Innovation, RIGE -
Dr. Victoria RedcliftAssociate Professor of Political Sociology, Thomas Coram Research Unit, Social Research InstituteIOE
Dr. Stefano RossoniLecturer in Gender and Sexuality Studies, School of European Languages and Cultures /Centre for Multidisciplinary Intercultural InquiryArts & Humanities

Professor Katherine Twamley

Chair, UCL Sociology Network,  Collaborative Social Science Domain / Associate Professor of Sociology, Thomas Coram Research Unit, Social Research InstituteIOE
Dr. Dingeman WiertzAssociate Professor in Quantitative Social Science, Social Research Institute.IOE