
UCL Research Domains


Social Science Plus+: outline, eligibility, exclusions and financial requirements


  • Up to £4,000 available to support innovative research collaborations between social scientists and engineers, scientists and researchers from across the disciplinary spectrum at UCL
  • Support for a wide range of cross-disciplinary activities that address questions of joint concern and societal relevance between disciplines
  • Activities must be claimed and paid for by 31 July 2017


  • The Investigator team must comprise UCL social scientist(s) and non-social scientists(s).  The Principal Investigator can be either a UCL social scientist or non-social scientist
  • Applicants can come from any department or faculty as long as they include social scientists and non-social scientists
  • Applicants must be at post-doctoral level (equivalent) or above or hold an honorary appointment
  • Unsuccessful applicants will not be able to receive detailed, individual feedback about their applications
  • Successful applicants will be expected to submit a brief Outcomes Report in November 2017.
  • Successful applicants will be expected to acknowledge the support that I have received from CSSD in promotional materials related to the supported activities, and in attributable publications 


  • Extensions of previous small grants activities
  • Studies in basic science or research that is exclusively lab-based
  • Where the main purpose of the application is to attend an overseas conference
  • Article processing charges (publication fees)
  • HEFCE staff cost replacement or bench fees
  • Activities that will incur costs after 31 July 2017. Use of awarded funds cannot be deferred to a later period

Financial requirements

  • The costed activities described in this proposal must be completed by 30 June 2017.
  • All costs associated with my proposed activities will be claimed and paid and for by 31st July 2017
  • If successful, I, or my Financial Administrator, will forward a Project, Task Award (PTA) combination to the CSSD office by 3 February 2017 so that the necessary transfer of funds can be made. If an appropriate PTA has not been received by this date, it will be assumed that you do not wish to proceed with the activities described in your application. The PTA is required to be a particular award type: "156780 Core Funding"
  • Any transferred funds will expire immediately after 31st July 2017 and will not be reinstated by CSSD. CSSD can not meet costs incurred after this date, and the use of awarded funds cannot be deferred to a later financial year.
  • If I am unable to complete my proposed activities or, if the funds I receive will not be used in total by 31st July 2017, I agree to contact Michael Reade (m.reade@ucl.ac.uk / 28713) immediately and arrange for any unused funds to be transferred back to the Office of the Vice Provost (Research) for reallocation
  • I understand that CSSD cannot manage awarded funds on my behalf, and that this will be the responsibility of the department that receives the funds.