24 July 2019
Applying for your first grant (Organised with UCl Organisational Development)
Winning a grant is not easy, and doing anything for the first time brings its own challenges. Winning grant and fellowship bids is, however, an essential part of academic life. Some people seem to be remarkably successful at winning grants. Are they simply supremely clever, or have they an enhanced insight into the process? This small group workshop will give you insight into the skills needed to make successful applications. Further details for Applying for Your First Grant and Registration
27 June 2019
Applying for your first grant (Organised with UCl Organisational Development)
Winning a grant is not easy, and doing anything for the first time brings its own challenges. Winning grant and fellowship bids is, however, an essential part of academic life. Some people seem to be remarkably successful at winning grants. Are they simply supremely clever, or have they an enhanced insight into the process? This small group workshop will give you insight into the skills needed to make successful applications. Further details for Applying for Your First Grant and Registratio
15 May 2019
Demonstrating Impact Through your Research
It’s not always easy for academics and researchers to see the impact of their work. Traditional markers of influence, such as citations, are not sufficient to tell the story of impact. This interactive session will be an opportunity for Early Career Researchers to discuss with a panel of experienced publishers from Emerald Publishing how we can work together to challenge simplistic and outdated approaches to impact, shifting beyond metrics and celebrating impact of all shapes and sizes. We’re keen to discuss the barriers that ECRs face when trying to demonstrate the impact of their research. With that in mind, please could attendees consider a current research project that they are working on for discussion with the wider group. Lunch will be provided. Registration for Demonstrating Impact Through your Research
22 March 2019
Maximising Impact in Research
This workshop, hosted by the think tank International Longevity Centre – UK (ILC-UK) will cover the ways in which the impact of research can be maximised. With research councils increasingly requiring detailed pathways to impact plans as an element of a successful project bid, the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the mechanics of policy change and avenues of public influence is a key skill for any early career researcher. Further details
11 March 2019 (9.15am to 4.30pm)
Applying for your first grant
Winning a grant is not easy, and doing anything for the first time brings its own challenges. Winning grant and fellowship bids is, however, an essential part of academic life. Some people seem to be remarkably successful at winning grants. Are they simply supremely clever, or have they an enhanced insight into the process? This small group workshop will give you insight into the skills needed to make successful applications. Further details
15 February 2019 (10am to 12pm)
Working as a social scientist in a non-social science department at UCL
A great strength of being a social scientist is the transferability of both skills and knowledge. However this can mean working in an environment where few (or possibly no-one) shares your disciplinary background. This can prove difficult in terms of both ongoing support and positive role models. Further details
30 November 2018 (10am to 12pm)
Tricks of the Trade with Carey Jewitt: Developing your research identity
A challenge facing early career researchers is how to develop your research identity: evolving your research identity whilst working as part of a team on a research project; balancing being focused on specific research areas and methods with being flexible in your research career, etc. In this talk Carey Jewitt will discuss these and other issues in relation to her own career and experience and help participants think about their current challenges and future career plans. Further details and registration
23 November 2018 (11am to 2pm)
Demonstrating real world impact through your research
It's not always easy for academics and researchers to see the impact of their work. Traditional markers of influence, such as citations, are not sufficient to tell the story of impact. This interactive session will be an opportunity for Early Career Researchers to discuss with a panel of experienced publishers how we can work together to challenge simplistic and outdated approaches to impact, shifting beyond metrics and celebrating impact of all shapes and sizes. Further details and registration