
UCL Research Domains


Public Engagement Workshop

2-5pm, Friday, 12 May 2017
Venue: Room 604, 6th Floor, Bidborough House, UCL, 38-50 Bidborough Street, London WC1H 9BT
A Methods Workshop convened by Lizzy Baddeley (Public Engagement Coordinator, SLASH) and Hilary Jackson, Public Engagement Coordinator (BEAMS).

What does public engagement actually involve? Why should you do it? What can it change for you and your work? What support is available? How can you tell if your public engagement is effective? What public groups and individuals might be interesting to engage with about your work? If you need help with any of these questions, join this session to find out more.

In this interactive workshop, the UCL Public Engagement Unit will introduce some of the concepts and ethos of public engagement. Drawing on UCL staff and students' public engagement experience, participants will explore why you might want to do engagement, what it involves, who the public are and how you might engage with them about your research and/or teaching.