
UCL Research Domains


Tricks of the trade with Alan Wilson: Ideas for generating interdisciplinary research

23 February 2018 (10am-12pm)
This workshop is fully booked.  A waiting list is in operation

Tricks of the trade with Alan Wilson: Ideas for generating interdisciplinary research
Convened by Professor Sir Alan Wilson, Chief Executive, The Alan Turing Institute / Professor of Urban & Regional Systems, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Bartlett, UCL
The challenges facing researchers are increasingly interdisciplinary. In this workshop, Alan Wilson will present a view of the foundations of research planning which will support originality and ambition within interdisciplinary frameworks. He will discuss both basic and applied research ('real challenges') and will introduce the idea of super concepts that cross disciplines. Above all, he will argue that 'thinking outside the box' can generate new ideas and open up new territories. 

  • This will be a participative small group session; only 16 spaces are available
  • This session is open to all UCL early career researchers regardless of discipline
  • If you register for a place but subsequently do not attend the session and do not inform the organiser beforehand (m.reade@ucl.ac.uk) your department will be charged a proportion of the organisation costs
  • This workshop is fully booked.  A waiting list is in operation
  • Register for a place on the waiting list