Research funders are increasingly considering Research Data Management as part of funding applications. This often involves writing a Data Management Plan. These plans vary across funders and project. One of the challenges researchers may face is knowing which services are available at UCL and who is able to provide support. The Research Data Management team in the library have recently developed customised UCL guidance for DMPOnline to help address this problem.
DMPOnline is an online tool developed by the Digital Curation Centre that helps researchers develop Data Management Plans by providing templates for different funders and succinct guidance on data management considerations.
The UCL customized version of DMPOnline adds additional guidance which focuses on UCL policy, infrastructure and services. The aim of this guidance is to provide researchers with a simple tool which offers them relevant and accurate information required for their Data Management Plan in one place. This customized guidance was partially developed in response to a survey of researchers last year which identified that a main area in which researchers would like institutional support is in Data Management Planning and the preferred format for this support was through online resources.
Researchers can sign-up to DMPOnline and choose UCL as their organisation. More extensive guidance on using DMPOnline to produce a Data Management Plan can be found here
If you have any feedback or questions about DMPOnline or Data Management generally please contact: