
Reading Recovery Europe


Guided Reading

UCL Institute of Education, in association with Reading Recovery Europe, has published a number of books for classroom teachers to support the teaching of guided reading at Key Stages 1 and 2.


These books enable classroom teachers and school librarians to evaluate the reading challenge in guided reading books so that children of different abilities and ages can be matched to books of appropriate difficulty. This supports diagnostic assessment and can help teachers tailor instructions to the individual child.

Other publications

For all of those interested or involved in the prevention of literacy failure, see  Burroughs-Lange, Sue; Ince, Amanda; (2013) Reading Recovery and Every Child a Reader : history, policy, and practice.  London: IOE Press.  This edited collection details the history, policy and practice of Reading Recovery and the development of Every Child a Reader.   Written in a clear and accessible style and drawing on a range of research studies, it presents the educational and economic arguments for early intervention, and the evidence for Reading Recovery's national and international success with young, socially disadvantaged and vulnerable learners.For further details see http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/10017429/.