Exploring Inequalities: Igniting research to better inform UK policy
In 2018-19, UCL Public Policy, UCL Grand Challenge of Justice & Equality and the Resolution Foundation collaborated on Exploring Inequalities: Igniting research to better inform UK policy.

22 March 2019
The project, funded through UCL’s HEIF Knowledge Exchange Fund, set out to cut across standard research and policy boundaries to review, synthesise, and deepen understanding of intersectional inequalities in the UK.
Through a series of six roundtable workshops, the project brought together a range of experts from academia with senior figures, directors, chief executives, and leaders from third sector organisations, businesses, charities, and policy organisations.
Alongside this, the project conducted 20 in-depth expert interviews in areas of specific interest. In total, over 50 organisations drawn from different sectors and from across the UK took part. The discussions provided a unique forum in which stakeholders could share insights and build new partnerships to consider how to tackle structural inequalities.