



Since the first wave of Whitehall II data collection, self-completion questionnaires and clinical data have been collected from the cohort every two to five years.

Whitehall II questionnaires are listed below.  For more information, please check our Excel data dictionary  

On request, we can supply other documentation, such as copies of other WII questionnaires and syntax of derived variables. 

Health Survey Questionnaires (HSQ)

See below a summary of the self-reported information collected in the HSQs between waves 1 and 13:


Family History  
  • Family: health characeristics 
  • Family: socioeconomic characteristics
  • ADL
  • Birth weight
  • CHD
  • Diabetes
  • General health
  • Hospital admissions
  • Longstanding illness
  • Medication
  • Stroke
  • Women's health
  • Diet
  • Drinking
  • Physical activity
  • Smoking
Health Behaviours
  • Diet
  • Drinking
  • Physical activity
  • Smoking
Personality, Mental Health & Well Being
  • CASP
  • CESD
  • GHQ
  • Life events
  • Psychological states
  • Satisfaction
  • SF-36 Traits
Psychosocial / Socioeconomic
  • Education
  • Employment status (grade)
  • Retirement
  • Sickness absence
  • Social activities
  • Social support
  • Socio-economic characteristics
  • Work

Food Frequency Questionnaires (FFQ)

General Knowledge Questionnaires (GKQ)

    Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)