
Information for Counsellors and Teachers


Your questions answered

Below you'll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about applying for undergraduate study.


Do you accept a mix of qualifications?

We usually require an applicant to offer all qualifications from one suite e.g. three A levels, or a full IB Diploma. However, some departments may be willing to consider a mix of acceptable level 3 qualifications on a case-by-case basis. For further information, please contact your country representative or Undergraduate Admissions.

Does taking four A-levels make an application more competitive?

We would always look at the best three A-levels, so taking four A-levels would not necessarily give an applicant an advantage.

What English Language qualifications do you accept?

Accepted English language qualifications can be found by following the English language requirements page.

Does UCL require students to have a GCSE (or equivalent) in a Modern Foreign Language?

No, a Modern Foreign Language GCSE is no longer a requirement.


Do you limit the number of students that you take from a particular school?

No, we do not impose any such limit. We seek to recruit the strongest set of students for a limited number of places. To do that, we will look at applications as a whole - including grades, evidence of an interest in, commitment to, and aptitude for the subject(s).

Do any of your undergraduate degree programmes require interviews?

The degree programmes which currently require interviews are:

Architecture BSc and MSci
Architectural and Interdisciplinary Studies BSc
Art and Technology BA
Engineering and Architectural Design MEng
Fine Art BA and MFA
English BA
European Social Political Studies: Dual Degree
LLB Law with a European Legal System
Medicine MBBS
Pharmacy MPharm 

Our language degrees may also interview candidates in order to establish a level of language ability.

For students applying to Law, is there a minimum score for the LNAT?

UCL Laws does not have a set minimum score required for the LNAT. Each year, UCL looks at the average MCT (multiple-choice test) score of applicants from the previous year or years and sets a benchmark threshold score for the current admissions cycle. Applications from candidates who meet that threshold will then be considered by Admissions Tutors. In the academic year 2023/24, the average LNAT score of test results received by UCL was 24.3, and the average LNAT score of candidates who received an offer at UCL was 29.8. For contextual offers, the average LNAT score of candidates who received an offer at UCL was 28.

A high score in the LNAT is not a guarantee of an offer. Applications are considered on the basis of all the information provided (including the academic profile, personal statement, reference, LNAT score and essay).

How many places do you have for international students?

The UK government imposes an overseas cap on medical school places. For our MBBS Medicine degree, we have 24 Overseas places. This is around 7% of our total MBBS Medicine intake. No other UCL programmes have an overseas student number cap.

Do offer conditions vary for students with similar credentials?

Offers are typically made in line with the advertised entry requirements, which vary by programme and are listed in the online prospectus.

As such, it is possible for students with similar credentials to receive different offers if they are applying to different programmes.

How often are students with predicted grades below the entry requirements made an offer?

Due to the high number of applications and level of competition, it is very unlikely that we will make an offer to a student with predicted grades below our entry requirements.

Can students transfer to UCL from another institution?

All applicants studying at another higher education institution, including those who wish to transfer to a full-time degree programme at UCL, whether to commence a new programme of study, or to enter directly into the second year of a degree programme, must apply through UCAS and not directly to UCL.

Regardless of where applicants are applying from, they must submit their UCAS application by the dates published by UCAS. Second year transfers are relatively uncommon and most students are asked to enter Year 1 of our programme. Details of our programmes that consider second year entry are listed on our How to Apply page

What type of work experience can be recommended for students interested in Medicine?

We recommend that prospective students read the Medical Schools Council pdf guide to work experience

UCL Medical School has never required clinical work experience or a specific duration of time spent completing work experience. Applicants should reflect on how their experiences, including work experience, have helped them to prepare them for a career in medicine.

What is the application to places ratio for your courses?

UCL is a competitive institution and we receive a large number of applications for the number of places available. Please see the PDF guide below for details by department:

What can you tell me about the Computer Science admissions test?

UCL introduced an admissions test, the Skills Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT), for Computer Science BSc/MEng applicants applying in the 2024 UCAS admissions cycle.

All Computer Science BSc or Computer Science MEng applicants applying in the 2025 UCAS cycle need to sit the STAT. 

The STAT is an online multiple-choice test of 80 critical and quantitative reasoning questions. The test will last 120 minutes. Applicants will receive an email from UCL with information about the test after we have received their UCAS application. Guidance is available on the Department of Computer Science STAT page.

The fee is sit the STAT is £124. The test fee will be waived for applicants who are eligible for Access UCL. Access UCL applicants will be emailed an individual one-use code.

Please view the Guide to the STAT PDF file below for more details:


Are students guaranteed accommodation at UCL?

We guarantee accommodation to students that are under 18 years old or students with Additional Requirements

First Year undergraduate and postgraduate students who meet the eligibility criteria are prioritised for UCL Accommodation. 

During the academic year 2023-24, all applicants who met the eligibility criteria were allocated a place in UCL Accommodation.

How is accommodation allocated?

Accommodation places are allocated to students that meet the eligibility criteria in order of when applications are received. We use an auto allocate tool, which randomly allocates students to specific halls, as identified through the chosen room preferences and maximum weekly rate indicated on the application.

Due to the high number of applications, only one offer will be made per student.

What scholarships can students apply for?

Details of scholarships and bursaries for undergraduate students can be found on the UCL Scholarships and Funding page.

Can students visit the campus?

We run regular guided campus tours of the UCL Bloomsbury campus. This is a general campus tour and does not include access to UCL Halls of Residences or Academic departments. If students are unable to attend a scheduled guided campus tour, they are welcome explore the UCL Bloomsbury campus in their own time on a self-guided tour.  

What support is provided for disabled students?

Our aim is to promote and implement an inclusive learning and teaching environment, allowing students to study as independently as possible during their time at UCL. Information on who and how we can support students with learning difficulties, disabilities and long-term health conditions can be found on our Support and Wellbeing website.

Entering UCL via the International Foundation Year

If your school does not offer a qualification recognized by UCL for direct entry, your students could be considered for the UCL International Foundation Year.

Post application 

How can I communicate changes to an applicant’s predicted grades?

UCL will only consider changes to predicted grades if there has been a genuine administrative error by the school/college when the original reference was completed.
In these circumstances we can only consider changes to predicted grades if we receive them before a decision is made on the application AND before the 29 January 2025 UCAS deadline. We will not consider revised predicted grades whether due to a school error or improved performance after a decision has been made on an application OR after the UCAS Equal Consideration deadline, even if a decision has not yet been made.

Referees should contact Undergraduate Admissions via our contact form from an official school/college email address (e.g. name@school.org) and include:

  • an explanation of the error
  • revised predicted grades
  • applicant name
  • applicant UCAS PID number
  • the course the applicant has applied to
My student has received their IB results and met all offer conditions. When will UCL confirm their place?

Our Admissions Team will process IB results as soon as they are received by UCL. They will update offers on UCAS Track where offer conditions have been fully met.

If a student requires a visa to study in the UK, UCL will aim to issue the CAS within 5 to 10 working days. The student must meet the following conditions: 

  • Status was updated to Unconditional Firm
  • The student has completed the visa task on the applicant portal

Please see the guidance on our CAS webpage

My student has received their IB results but not met their offer conditions. When will they receive a decision from UCL?

Decisions may be made soon after the IB results are released, where students have narrowly missed their grades.

However, in most cases we will need to wait until A level results are available on 15 August 2024. That's when the Admissions team knows how many students have met their conditions. This will determine if places for near-miss offer holders can be confirmed. If a student meets or exceeds their offer conditions in full as a result of a remark or appeal, they should contact us.

Revised grades should come through to us from UCAS. We need to have received official confirmation of the new grade(s) from the awarding body by 31 August 2024.

We will not consider informal submissions from individuals or schools.

When can my student expect a decision from UCL?

We do consider applications as quickly as we can. Our degree programmes attract a large number of well qualified applicants. This means it may be some time before final decisions are made.

It is quite usual for some applicants to hear sooner than others. If a student doesn’t get a quick response from us it doesn't mean that an application will be unsuccessful.

The majority of programs at UCL use a 'semi-gathered field.' This means the admissions selector will make a decision when they have enough similar applications. There will be several such 'fields' each year between September and April.