Equality, Diversity, Inclusion
Our Vision
“Many aspects of EDI in practice hinge on effective and thoughtful communication. Working across the Faculty, I want to help support an environment where colleagues can find information and like-minded people, there is a culture of understanding for differing circumstances and perspectives, and support is available where it’s needed. It is also important that we recognise where existing practice is already exemplary, and spread those good ideas more widely.”
Jon Clayden, Vice-Dean (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion)
- FPHS Race Equality/Equity Advisory Group (FREAG) Checklist
The FPHS Race Equality/Equity Advisory Group (FREAG) checklist has received approval from both the FEC and the Faculty EDI Committee on November 23 and March 24, respectively. It was collaboratively developed by the GOS ICH Race Equity Group, led by Lola Solebo, along with EDI representatives from across the faculty.
This comprehensive checklist outlines essential and core items that should be present in each department. We are asking institutes to implement the essential items listed. Additionally, the core items, which represent feasible, beneficial, and important activities, should also be taken into consideration. View the checklist.
- Fair Recruitment Specialists
As part of UCL’s work on the Race Equality Charter, UCL has created a pool of highly-trained Fair Recruitment Specialists who will bring very valuable input into recruitment activity across UCL. The Specialists are volunteers drawn from UCL staff who identify as Black and Minority Ethnic (BME). This is in response to feedback from departments that it is often difficult to have sufficient ethnic diversity on panels, as BME staff are under-represented in certain roles and grades at UCL.
- Faculty annual appraisal survey
Since the introduction of the faculty appraisal season in 2018, staff engagement has significantly improved, with 94% and 91% of staff receiving appraisals in 2019 and 2018, respectively, compared to 80% in previous years. Despite this progress, we recognize the need to enhance the quality and consistency of appraisals. To address this, the Faculty launched an Annual Appraisal Survey to gather qualitative data on staff expectations and their fulfilment.
Faculty appraisal survey 2019, 2020 and 2021
Update: 2023
Expectations of appraisal have remained fairly static across the 3 years but the actual experience of them has improved over time. This is due to improvements in discussions across all areas but most prominent in ‘career progression’ and ‘work-life balance and wellbeing’. There is no significant difference in appraisal experience between genders. There is no significant difference in the appraisal experience between different job roles for both appraiser or appraisee.
Population Health Sciences EDI group
The Faculty of Population Health Sciences EDI Group was formed to tackle key staff and student EDI issues, and to take forward the Faculty’s EDI action plan.
Faculty Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
The Faculty Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee, chaired by the Faculty Vice-Dean (EDI), Jon Clayden, meets termly to discuss issues pertaining to the equality and diversity agenda. Its main remit is to monitor and review progress against the Faculty Equality Action Plan, to support the implementation of Institutes’ Athena SWAN action plans and to provide a forum in which the development of new initiatives to enhance equality measures can be explored, and to support the development of new Athena SWAN applications. See the full terms of reference and a membership list.