I got my BSc in Physics from Southampton University in 1968 and
continued there as a research student in experimental particle physics.
My first research assistant post in 1972 was at Queen Mary College in
London where I stayed until 1977 working first at CERN on an experiment
to measure the polarization asymmetry in proton-antiproton annihilation
and then at the Rutherford Laboratory making similar measurements for
kaon-proton interactions. I then took up my first post at UCL, returning
to CERN to work on the experiment measuring large angle hadron elastic
scattering differential cross-sections.
In 1979 I was appointed as lecturer, and later senior lecturer, at
Birkbeck College. There I continued to do research in collaboration with
my colleagues in the experimental particle physics group at UCL,
working on a number of experiments at CERN designed to measure the
hadro-production of charm and bottom flavours. From 1982 till 1994 I was
involved with the OPAL experiment at the LEP accelerator in CERN, at
which point I decided to pull out of experimental particle physics in
order to pursue some theoretical ideas.
In September 1997 the Physics Department at Birkbeck College was
closed down so I lost my post there, but as part of the arrangements for
transferring the evening degree programme to UCL I was offered and
accepted a half-time teaching post here. Until I retired in September
2011 I organised and taught practical courses for the evening Physics
students as well as giving lectures in the evenings, and I served as the
Admissions and Programme Tutor for the Evening Physics BSc. In my spare
time I have continued to work on the theoretical ideas mentioned above,
currently in the area of classical gravity.