Moodle is UCL's web-based 'virtual learning environment'. Each taught course in the Philosophy Department is accompanied by its own Moodle site.
The typical site for a philosophy course will include downloadable readings, notes, and other updates posted by the module tutor.
You may find that some module tutors use Moodle in various further ways, for example providing a chat-room for philosophical discussion, or a location for returning practice essays with formative feedback comments. Your module tutor will instruct you on how to enrol onto their Moodle site if automatic enrolment did not take place when you registered for the module in Portico.
If you need to submit assessments through Moodle please put your candidate number only as both the 'file name' and as the submission title (under the submit paper) tab. You can find your candidate number in Portico under "My Studies" in the "Examinations" container (click on "candidate number(s) to see your current candidate number - they change each year). Your name must not appear anywhere on the assessment or in the file name. All assigments will be submitted to UCL's plagiarism checker, Turnitin. You may need to include a cover sheet at the beginning of you uploaded assignment.
Most essays are submitted via AssessmentUCL which does not require you to enter your candiate number or attach a seperate cover sheet.
More information about the AssessmentUCL platform can be found in the wiki guide here.