Keeling Workshops
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Daniel Vazquez (University of Sao Paulo) will be giving a talk on 'Teleology, Causation and the Atlas Motif in Plato's Phaedo' on June 20th 1pm, Seminar Room Department of Philosophy UCL. Prof Ursula Coope British Academy Lecture: Ursula Coope, Professor of Ancient Philosophy at the University of Oxford, will be giving a British Academy Lecture on Tuesday 26th June, 6.30-7.45 at the British Academy, 10-11 Carlton House Terrace, SW1Y 5AH. The title of the lecture is 'Free to Think? Epistemic Authority and Thinking for Oneself'. Register at Keeling Memorial Lectures: The 2018/19 Keeling Memorial Lecture will be given by Professor M.M. McCabe, and the 2019/20 Lecture by Professor Ursula Coope! The Lyceum Society: Graduate Research Group co-run by graduates at the Keeling Centre and KCL - Summer Work in Progress Seminar Series schedule is now available. Summer 2018 Staff & Postdoctoral Research Work in Progress schedule now available. Exclusive Preview: Preview a pre-publication version of Prof Gail Fine's paper on Epistêmê and Doxa, Knowledge and Belief in the Phaedo here! Keeling Lecture: The 2017/18 S.V. Keeling Memorial Lecture was be given by Prof Gábor Betegh on Weds 21st March 2018. Keeling Scholarship: Applications for 2019/20 will open in Autumn 2018. Institute of Classical Studies: Details of the 2017/2018 ICS ancient philosophy seminar series are available here. Keeling Scholar in Residence: Prof David Sedley is the new Keeling Scholar in Residence from September 2017! Supplementary Keeling Lecture: Prof Dorothea Frede gave a supplementary Keeling lecture on Thurs 19th October 2017, 5pm-7pm. MM McCabe elected Fellow to the British Academy! Read More> UCL-Yale Workshop: On Monday 22nd & 23rd May 2017 the Keeling Centre hosted a workshop on Virtue and Value in Plato and Aristotle. Keeling Lecture: Professor Anthony Long delivered the 2017/18 Keeling Lecture on Thursday 18th May, 2017. Paper Preview: A preview of Jessica Moss' paper for forthcoming proceedings of the 2011 Keeling Colloquium is available here! |