Our Diversity and Wellness Week will have a series of events designed to get you talking and thinking about a variety of subjects. Make sure you sign up as places will go quickly.
Timetable for the Diversity and Wellbeing Week (4 - 8 March 2019)

- Monday 4th March 11am - 12:30pm - Prof Joyce Harper (IfWH) will give a talk entitled "From the menstrual cycle to the menopause; what every woman should know about their reproductive health" in the Maplethorpe Lecture Theatre. This will be followed by a Q & A session. This event is open to everyone. Catering will be provided so please email h.badru@ucl.ac.uk to register. Find out more here: www.joyceharper.com
- Monday 4th March 5pm - 6:30pm - Becoming a Dementia Friend. Please register for this on Eventbrite.
- Tuesday 5th March 12pm – UCL Interfaith Forum (Faith and Mental Health) in M1. Spaces are limited so please email h.badru@ucl.ac.uk to register for this.
- Tuesday 5th March 10am-1pm - Inbox to Zero workshop. Spaces are limited so please email h.badru@ucl.ac.uk to register for this.
- Wednesday 6th March 9:30am – LGBTQ+ Allies Training in M1. Spaces are limited so please email s.sanchez@ucl.ac.uk to register for this.
- Wednesday 6th March 1pm – Drop in Lunchtime Laughter in JHLT. Organised by the EDIC committee.
- Thursday 7th March 2:00pm – Mental Health Training in M1. Spaces are limited so please email s.sanchez@ucl.ac.uk to register for this.
- Thursday 7th March – Massages happening in the DDR throughout the day. Look out for the booking email.
- Friday 8th March at 10:15am – IWD photo shoot for Pharmacy staff and students in the front entrance. All who identify as female are welcome to come along for the photo, but everyone is welcome for tea, coffee and cake afterwards. This will be followed by a 45 minute Zumba class. Anyone can join in. Please wear suitable footwear and clothing.
We will also have an Ovarian Cancer Awareness stall with information. 1:1 appointments are also available should you wish to discuss anything in confidence.
The Pharmacy bar team have kindly agreed to open up on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 5.30pm onwards.
Download our flyer here:
Further information:
Inbox to Zero training: https://thinkproductive.co.uk/workshops/in-house-workshops/in-house-workshops-getting-your-inbox-to-zero/
UCL Equalities: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/equality-diversity-inclusion/committees-and-social-networks/friends-outucl
UCL Wellbeing: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/human-resources/health-wellbeing/wellbeingucl