Advice for students about Reading Week, 9-13 November
29 October 2020
Please comply with the restrictions on travel for people living in London. Study spaces and activities will still be open on campus, and help is available from SSW if you’re experiencing any mental health or wellbeing difficulties.

Many of you would normally make plans to travel or stay with family and friends during Reading Week. However, students living in London are not permitted to move between your permanent home and term time address during term time.
You can find the Government’s advice for university and college students on their website.
Most UCL services and facilities will still be open on campus during Reading Week including a wide choice of study spaces and Students’ Union UCL cafés, bars and Bloomsbury Fitness. If you’re finding it difficult to book a space at the Student Centre, other study spaces have been opened up in Torrington Place and Bidborough Street.
We're incredibly proud of all our students for your commitment and engagement with your studies in these exceptional circumstances. And we’d like to thank you for maintaining social distancing and following coronavirus regulations – each of us has a vital part to play in reducing the spread of infection and ensuring that our campus can stay open. Our community of students and staff have been doing an excellent job in adhering to public health guidance so far.
If you have any other questions you can use askUCL, the student enquiry system.