
The Gospel Writers


Sam came in to see what the bus was about. He wanted to be taken to Trafalgar Square. Instead, we got him to list types of writers (the case notes are written on a typewriter):

Scale in Alice in Wonderland


In Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, a children's book by Lewis Carroll, Alice finds a key sitting on a glass table.

What I have eaten since wednesday


I am Boy X and this is what I have eaten since Wednesday last week.

Stroke case attempting to eat a toy

Your name: 

My father was in a care home after a stroke. During a visit he assumed that one of my children's toys (a metal Thomas the Tank engine) was edible and commenced to try to eat it.

Eating an aeroplane

Your name: 
Emma Chambers

I remember reading about a man who ate a whole aeroplane. Apparently he ground it up and ate it sprinkled on his meals instead of salt and pepper over a period of several years.

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