
UCL Institute of Mental Health


UCL Psychedelics Research Group

The UCL Psychedelics Research Group was created with the intention of connecting those with an interest in this study area. The group is for professionals and students alike, seeking to provide opportunities to share the latest research in the field and support those who may wish to further their studies. We aim to build collaborative knowledge of psychedelics and make current research more accessible for everyone. From treating mental health disorders to understanding consciousness, psychedelics have the potential to change the way we approach neuroscience. 

Existing researchers and groups

UCL Psychopharmacology

The UCL psychopharmacology unit is already carrying out research which has important implications for public health. Some of the more specific issues they are investigating include the use of ketamine as a psychiatric drug, particularly for the treatment of alcohol dependence, how drugs act on the brain to effect human cognition, behaviour, and emotion, and the causes and treatments of cannabis dependence.

Upcoming events

We will be organising regular lectures presented by professors and researchers who have an interest in the field of psychedelics. You can see the details of upcoming lectures and register your interest in attending below. By clicking on an event, you will also be able to access papers and links relevant to the lecture.

Past events

Below you will find a list of previous seminars and lectures hosted by the UCL Psychedelics Research Group. Clicking on an event will give you access to relevant papers and a recording of the event.

Psychedelics and Mental Models

Our first event, on 4th March 2021, was attended by 219 people from a wealth of different academic institutions.

The seminar was be delivered virtually by Dr Alexander Lebedev who is a psychiatrist and an assistant professor at the Karolinska Institutet’s Department of Clinical Neuroscience and Aging Research Center. Alexander investigates belief formation mechanisms and how they can be altered in various mental states and psychiatric conditions. Together with Imperial College, he has published two brain imaging studies investigating effects of classical psychedelics on brain dynamics and personality. He is currently coordinating the brain imaging aspects of Sweden's first clinical trial in using psilocybin for treatment of depression. (link to papers related to this lecture)

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