UCL Target Medicine is one of the largest widening access into medicine programmes in the country. Work with us to diversify UCL Medical School and the NHS while gaining key transferable skills.
- What is Target Medicine
- What is the Target Medicine Mentoring Scheme
- What training and support will I receive?
- What's in it for medical students?
- How to apply
What is Target Medicine?
UCL is committed to widening participation to ensure those with the ability, regardless of their background, will have the opportunity to apply for and succeed in higher education. UCL Medical School also recognises the importance of a diverse NHS that better reflects patients and their needs.
Target Medicine (TM) is UCL Medical School’s Widening Participation initiative aimed at raising the attainment and aspirations of young people from underrepresented backgrounds into medicine.
Through Target Medicine we aim break down barriers to Medical School, support, guide and empower young people from diverse backgrounds with the potential to study Medicine, and help create an NHS that is reflective and understanding of a changing national population.
All events are free of charge. Students who take part in Target Medicine programmes are from non-selective state schools around Greater London who meet selected eligibility criteria.
Target Medicine currently comprises the following programmes:
- Target Medicine Mentoring Scheme
A 12 month mentoring scheme for high achieving Year 12 students from underrepresented backgrounds aspiring to become doctors.
- LondonMed Summer School
A week-long programme for Year 12 students considering a career in medicine. The summer school is a London-wide collaboration between UCL, KCL, St George's, Queen Mary and the Medical School's Council. It provides students with an insight into studying medicine in London and gives them an opportunity to experience what it’s like being a medical student through hands-on workshops, projects, and an opportunity to work with real patients.
- Target Medicine Outreach and Taster Days
A series of aspiration raising events for pupils across key stages 2, 3, 4 and 5. Current events include Meet the Doctor, UCAT and BMAT information sessions and mock exams, admissions and interview preparation, and Target Medicine: BECOME - A one day event for Year 9 & 10 students from African and Caribbean backgrounds to explore what it’s like going to university and studying medicine
What is the Target Medicine Mentoring Scheme?
UCL Medical Students - Apply Now!The Target Medicine Mentoring Scheme matches 240 sixth form pupils with 60 UCL medical students, and provides guided lessons and targeted information, advice and guidance to support pupils to become more competitive medical school applicants.
The programme recognises that although young people from underrepresented backgrounds may have the aspiration, desire and ability to study medicine, they may not receive the necessary support and guidance when making their applications. The TM Mentoring Scheme aims to rectify this.
The work of volunteer mentors takes place to fit with the whole of the application process and therefore runs over a calendar year rather than an academic year.
As a volunteer mentor on the Mentoring Scheme you and your team would work with a small group of sixth form students to give them a better understanding of what is needed to be a successful applicant to medical school. You would provide structured support and guidance to them throughout the application process.
There are several volunteer roles within the Mentoring Scheme:
- Mentor/Team Member
responsible for mentoring a small group (~4) of sixth form students and working your team of TM Mentors
- Team Leader
responsible for mentoring a small (~4) group of sixth formers AND leading a team of 4 TM Mentors. Medical Students must have mentored for at least one year to apply for a Team Leader role.
- Deputy Student Lead
responsible for supporting the student lead in coordination and management of Mentoring Scheme. Medical students must have mentored for at least one year to apply for Deputy Student Lead, with preference given to those with Team Leader experience
- Student Lead
responsible for supporting team leaders and mentors, coordinating and managing lesson plans and mentoring sessions, and working closely with the Target Medicine Manager and Academic Lead for oversight over Target Medicine. Medical students must have experience as a Deputy Student Lead to apply for the Student Lead role.
What training and support will I receive?
As a Target Medicine volunteer you will be fully trained in mentoring, presentation skills, child protection and safeguarding and group work. This training takes place on Wednesday evenings during the autumn term. The scheme is structured to ensure every volunteer mentor is well supported by team leaders, peers and staff.
What’s in it for medical students?
- The opportunity to inspire and enable others to study medicine
- The satisfaction of contributing your personal experience with the next generation
- The opportunity to mentor school/college students
- Working with like-minded peers
- Training opportunities
- Gaining key transferable skills including team work, event organisation, teaching, presentation, project management, leadership and group work
- Priority for paid work opportunities within Target Medicine
- Recognition through the Volunteering Services Unit
- Supporting a worthy cause
- Fun!
How to apply for the 2024/25 programme:
Applications are now open for UCL Medical Students to apply to be a volunteer Mentor or Team Leader!
UCL Medical Students - Apply Now!
To apply, please read the application guidance and complete your application by the relevant deadline below.
Please note: different year groups will have different application deadlines due to varying university start dates.
Deadline to apply
Mentor Applications:
Years 1 - 5: 11.59pm - Sunday 13th October (for all years 1-5)
Team Leaders:
Year 4 and 5: 11.59pm - Wednesday 25th September 2024
Year 2 and 3: 11.59pm - Wednesday 2nd October 2024