
UCL Medical School



Our methods of feedback and assessment are unique and very appreciated by students.... At the end of the attachment, we run a 5-station mock OSCE, as close to the real exam as possible. However, we include 2 minutes at the end of each station for students to be given immediate feedback on their performance as well as the usual summative assessment. The feedback is generally consultant led. The OSCE has proved to be very popular with students.

Dr Trevor Hedges & Dr Ronnie Misquith
Paediatric Undergraduate Teaching, Luton & Dunstable University Hospital

I have developed innovative ways of providing feedback to the students:

  • A marked clerking: students write up a patient clerking - history, examination findings, differential diagnosis, plan of investigations and immediate and long-term management. They also reflect on an aspect of the case. This is marked by a consultant and the results are fed back. There is 100% agreement amongst the students that this is a very helpful exercise, particularly as it may be the only written clerking during their acute medicine attachment that gets formally reviewed.
  • A written final assessment, followed by 90 minutes of self-marking and discussion. 100% of students found this very useful and at the right standard.
  • An audit carried out by students and presented with feedback.
  • During the 3 weeks, we also offer informal and formal (electronic ticket completion) feedback.

Dr Joanna Porter
Reader in Respiratory Medicine / Honorary Consultant