
UCL Medical School


Top Teacher and Administrator Awards

Throughout the course of the year, students are given the opportunity to nominate teachers who have been particularly helpful or inspiring to them during their studies. They are also able to nominate administrators whom they have found to be particularly helpful and supportive.

At the end of the academic year, the QAEU counts the number of nominations for each teacher/administrator and the ones with the most nominations receive a certificate and a letter of recognition.

We are delighted to announce the winners of Top Teacher and Top Admin Awards for 2022-23.

Year 1:

  • Top Teacher Winner: Professor Benny Chain
  • Runners Up: Dr Ian Edwards
  • Top Admin Winner: Andy Houghton 

Year 2:

  • Top Teacher Winner: Professor Patrick Anderson
  • Runners Up: Dr Laura Porro, and Professor Christopher Yeo
  • Top Admin Winner: Piers Pereira

Year 4:

  • Top Teacher Winner: Dr Azedah Yunus
  • Runners Up: Dr Andrew Ghobrial, and the Royal Free Prep for Practice Team
  • Top Admin Winner: Petra Prazakova

Year 5:

  • Top Teacher Winner: Dr Amy Dodd
  • Runners Up: Dr Ursula McGovern & the Oncology CTFs, and Dr Hamish Robertson & Dr Naomi Jones
  • Top Admin Winner: Tadiwa Mutongwizo

Year 6:

  • Top Teacher Winner: Dr Elif Iliria Emin
  • Runners Up: Luton Bootcamp Team
  • Top Admin Winner: Emma Horan

Clinical & Professional Practice Winners

  • Top Teacher Winners: Professor Durka Dougall
  • Runners Up: Dr Tamzin Plenty

SSC Winners

  • Top Teacher Winner: Dr Ann Robinson 

Previous Winners

Year 1
  • Top Teacher Winner: Benny Chain  
  • Runners Up: Ian Edwards, Pam Houston and Ryan Felice
  • Top Admin Winner: Andy Houghton (UCL Medical School) 
  • Runner Up: Kasia Janik (Division of Biosciences)
Year 2
  • Top Teacher Winner: Laura Porro 
  • Runners Up: Pam Houston, Sandra Martelli and Chris Yeo  
  • Top Admin Winner: Polly Thompson (Division of Biosciences) 
Year 3
  • Top Teacher Winner: Melissa Whitten 
  • Runners Up: Richard Milne, Benny Chain and Jonathan Derrick 
  • Top Admin Winner : Heather Ormsby (Division of Infection and Immunity) 
Year 4
  • Top Teacher Winner: Natalia Gibbery 
  • Runners Up: Prasheena Naran, Akish Luintel and Rebabonye Pharithi 
  • Top Admin Winner: Susan Bariotakis (Division of Surgery and Interventional Science) 
Year 5
  • Top Teacher Winner: Jonathan Cartledge 
  • Runners Up: Nadim Kadem, Idan Bokoboza and Pratik Shah 
  • Top Admin Winner: Tadiwa Mutongwizo (Institute of Child Health) 
Year 6
  • Top Teacher Winner: Stephanie Smith 
  • Runners Up: Will Topping, Natalia Sanchez-Thompson, Isabel O'Shea and Lucy Mealey 
SSC Winners 
  • Top Teacher Winner: Sara Thompson 
  • Runners Up: Clare Elliott, Clive Mason and Christiano Turbil 
Clinical & Professional Practice Winners 
  • Top Teacher Winners: Subash Jayakumar and Tina Nyazika 
  • Runners Up: Margaret Lloyd and Pasquale Berlingieri. 
Top Admin Special Mention  
  • Fiona Rose-Clarke: Fiona had multiple mentions across different years!